
As readers, do you guys prefer something more poetic/profound or something simple and straight to the point?


@Teiko_Kuroko I prefer those poetic ones :')


Hey guys, I FINALLY put out the last chapter to The Part That Hates! It went through some MAJOR editing for awhile where I compiled all the chapters from the two other books into that one (at one point I changed the title cause I made the cover wrong and liked it too much to change it LOL) because I actually decided to take a different direction with this story, and I’m pretty satisfied with the result at the moment, and would love if you’d enjoy it too! Thank you all for your support as I wrote this, because it was a challenge to put out a book without jumping too much into the better parts. I’ll slowly get better with time, but I like my progress! I love you all!!


Just wanted to warn you guys; I just got a direct message from someone basically stating that they “love my work” and are “going to publish it” without my permission so just be careful because there might be some writing thieves. I’ve reported them, but just be sure to be careful!


@Teiko_Kuroko thank you for the warning! 


Haay when u gonna be back .........i need ur updates ....lmao I'm srry for tha spaming buuut....come back to wattpadd


Hi! Sorry for getting back so late! I’m still around, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to update! Sorry for making you wait, but please be patient a little while longer! 


May i ask when is book 3 coming out? Im just curious. Take your time in writing the book this is the 1st time that i desperately want someone to write the book. I just want to tell you that you are a very cool person and i enjoy your work. I love you AUTHOR-CHAN!!!


Awe that’s so sweet of you! I’m definitely getting around to it (lol)! I’ll start writing ASAP!