
Hey everybody, I just wanted to say thanks for following me and if you have the time to go check out my story, it would be awesome if you could comment or vote as well! Thanks for reading this you Beautiful potato's!! c:  P.S should I make longer chapter's? I feel like there too short. 


Hey thank you so much for the follow :) 
          If it's not to much of a bother can you please follow my main account (musicismylife2004)
          You can unfollow this account if you want, I won't mind (musicismylife2004_2)
          I hope you have an amazing day/night where ever you are :)
          if that's you in your profile picture you're really pretty :)


Hey everybody, I just wanted to say thanks for following me and if you have the time to go check out my story, it would be awesome if you could comment or vote as well! Thanks for reading this you Beautiful potato's!! c:  P.S should I make longer chapter's? I feel like there too short.