
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve been on this platform, I see every notification and browse from time to time! But haven’t been writing, nor reading as much as I’ve been wanting to. Life takes precedence unfortunately, but I’m hoping to slowly start posting again! 
          	I am saddened by the conclusion to The Walking Dead, and how this show has finally come to a close, but am thankful for all of the people I’ve met over the years! 
          	Hope to post more stories in the near future, until then I hope everyone has a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! 


Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve been on this platform, I see every notification and browse from time to time! But haven’t been writing, nor reading as much as I’ve been wanting to. Life takes precedence unfortunately, but I’m hoping to slowly start posting again! 
          I am saddened by the conclusion to The Walking Dead, and how this show has finally come to a close, but am thankful for all of the people I’ve met over the years! 
          Hope to post more stories in the near future, until then I hope everyone has a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!