https://www.wattpad.com/1473095301-hazbin-hotel-helluva-boss-world-war-3-male-human New chapter in my story is out. And man the recent Helluva boss episodes are something. Its a shame Blitzo won't make it for Satan trial for going to earth. Nope it will be soon to late for that.

@Telwyn some of the Dead that aren't in Hades or Paradise are in a dream state stay called sleep awaiting to be resurrected and brought before the great white throne And where folks like Mayberry should have gone instead of the unseen realms where Charlie lives And where heaven exists. Let us enjoys the idea that that one is the new Earth except I believe it should have a lot more greenery and be more lush and garden like instead of just miles of cloud Which just could be the first layer of it be a mirror Which would explain why they are like us with smartphones and what have you?

@Telwyn As well as For the hazbin hotel story heaven the winners have temporary ones like in your story, which will explain why each of the winners look nothing like what they were promised But they don't know that and they just think you might not look like what you used to look like in human life and don't probably Don't use their old human names, but they do remember them and their lives on Earth as well as the heaven they exist in The temporary home of God will be merged with the new Earth since the heaven born are born naturally evolved In heaven And it's their home and not many would see it be destroyed but instead merged As a sort of compromise For the heaven born and why they will go with resetting the entire cosmos and whatever life tags is on, other plants will probably have to be reset too, but their concern is humanity And whatever life that isn't human probably has their own gods that probably don't care about them either Or they're painted by the fallen ones And the fact that they would probably be receded back on their homeworlds with their improved And beautified although the current form of their species probably will stop existing with all the technology in advancements they currently have will longer exist and be at a primitive State in all of heaven's arcane technology And sciences And advancements will be inherited by humanity That were judged worthy of being part of the new creation, but instead As it's stewards and inhabitants alongside the heaven born And the true hell gehenna or the lake of eternal flame if you're a layman has no people in it. And the hell that that Charlie lives in is sort of a one where you have a sort of time window that by the time of the tribulation will be closed Or the era of Grace being your chance to repent is gone And the reason for those repent before it's too late signs you might see then they're just stuck there forever but they're not Hades or double hell and the final one gehenna For humans still living

@Telwyn here's a line I found that explains it in a sense Judgment Seat of Christ Also known as the Bema Seat, this judgment is for believers, or those who follow Jesus. It takes place in heaven after the Rapture of the Church. At the Judgment Seat, Jesus rewards believers based on what they did while alive as well as why they were worthy to enter Abraham's garden And were raptured if your church believes that This is not a judgment for how believers responded to Christ for salvation. Instead, it's a judgment of examination and reward And to see why you were worthy to brought up in the clouds we're saved and entered Paradise know as Abraham's garden And the white throne of judgment or the Great White Throne This judgment is for unbelievers, or those who do not believe in Jesus Christ. It takes place at the time of Christ's Second Coming. At the Great White Throne, Jesus publicly recognizes decisions already made and judges unbelievers according to their works. The whiteness of the throne symbolizes God's purity and righteousness. As well as see those who happen to be in Hades and Abraham's garden and to judge them why they were saved and why they were lost specifically the rich man and Lazarus who are both to be said in the heavens of both Abraham's, garden and Hades /sheol And toGet a much better and more accurate judgment. And account for all aspects of a person's life But I personally believe during the bema seat of Christ people will still have their flaws called out and their mistakes but it's A examination you are meant to be examined so your flaws mistakes Are definitely made of note& brought to light As well as a new role place& position In the new creation and Kingdom&will reign with him For eternity on top of having a new glorified immensely powerful invulnerable indestructible perfected youthful immortal bodies