          	New chapter in my story is out. And man the recent Helluva boss episodes are something. Its a shame Blitzo won't make it for Satan trial for going to earth. Nope it will be soon to late for that.


@Telwyn some of the Dead that aren't in Hades or Paradise are in a dream state stay called sleep awaiting to be resurrected and brought before the great white throne And where folks like Mayberry should have gone instead of the unseen realms where Charlie lives And where heaven exists. Let us enjoys the idea that that one is the new Earth except I believe it should have a lot more greenery and be more lush and garden like instead of just miles of cloud Which just could be the first layer of it be a mirror Which would explain why they are like us with smartphones and what have you?


@Telwyn As well as For the hazbin hotel story heaven the winners have temporary ones like in your story, which will explain why each of the winners look nothing like what they were promised But they don't know that and they just think you might not look like what you used to look like in human life and don't probably Don't use their old human names, but they do remember them and their lives on Earth as well as the heaven they exist in The temporary home of God will be merged with the new Earth since the heaven born are born naturally evolved In heaven And it's their home and not many would see it be destroyed but instead merged As  a sort of compromise For the heaven born and why they will go with resetting the entire cosmos and whatever life tags is on, other plants will probably have to be reset too, but their concern is humanity And whatever life that isn't human probably has their own gods that probably don't care about them either Or they're painted by the fallen ones And the fact that they would probably be receded back on their homeworlds with their improved And beautified although the current form of their species probably will stop existing with all the technology in advancements they currently have will longer exist and be at a primitive State in all of heaven's arcane technology And sciences And advancements will be inherited by humanity That were judged worthy of being part of the new creation, but instead As it's stewards and inhabitants alongside the heaven born And the true hell gehenna or the lake of eternal flame if you're a layman has no people in it. And the hell that that Charlie lives in is sort of a one where you have a sort of time window that by the time of the tribulation will be closed Or the era of Grace being your chance to repent is gone And the reason for those repent before it's too late signs you might see then they're just stuck there forever but they're not Hades or double hell and the final one gehenna For humans still living


@Telwyn here's a line I found that explains it in a sense Judgment Seat of Christ
          	  Also known as the Bema Seat, this judgment is for believers, or those who follow Jesus. It takes place in heaven after the Rapture of the Church. At the Judgment Seat, Jesus rewards believers based on what they did while alive as well as why they were worthy to enter Abraham's garden And were raptured if your church believes that This is not a judgment for how believers responded to Christ for salvation. Instead, it's a judgment of examination and reward And to see why you were worthy to brought up in the clouds we're saved and entered Paradise know as Abraham's garden And the white throne of judgment or the Great White Throne This judgment is for unbelievers, or those who do not believe in Jesus Christ. It takes place at the time of Christ's Second Coming. At the Great White Throne, Jesus publicly recognizes decisions already made and judges unbelievers according to their works. The whiteness of the throne symbolizes God's purity and righteousness. As well as see those who happen to be in Hades and Abraham's garden and to judge them why they were saved and why they were lost specifically the rich man and Lazarus who are both to be said in the heavens of both Abraham's, garden and Hades /sheol And toGet a much better and more accurate judgment. And account for all aspects of a person's life But I personally believe during the bema seat of Christ people will still have their flaws called out and their mistakes but it's A examination you are meant to be examined so your flaws mistakes Are definitely made of note& brought to light As well as a new role place& position In the new creation and Kingdom&will reign with him For eternity on top of having a new glorified immensely powerful invulnerable indestructible perfected youthful immortal bodies

          New chapter in my story is out. And man the recent Helluva boss episodes are something. Its a shame Blitzo won't make it for Satan trial for going to earth. Nope it will be soon to late for that.


@Telwyn some of the Dead that aren't in Hades or Paradise are in a dream state stay called sleep awaiting to be resurrected and brought before the great white throne And where folks like Mayberry should have gone instead of the unseen realms where Charlie lives And where heaven exists. Let us enjoys the idea that that one is the new Earth except I believe it should have a lot more greenery and be more lush and garden like instead of just miles of cloud Which just could be the first layer of it be a mirror Which would explain why they are like us with smartphones and what have you?


@Telwyn As well as For the hazbin hotel story heaven the winners have temporary ones like in your story, which will explain why each of the winners look nothing like what they were promised But they don't know that and they just think you might not look like what you used to look like in human life and don't probably Don't use their old human names, but they do remember them and their lives on Earth as well as the heaven they exist in The temporary home of God will be merged with the new Earth since the heaven born are born naturally evolved In heaven And it's their home and not many would see it be destroyed but instead merged As  a sort of compromise For the heaven born and why they will go with resetting the entire cosmos and whatever life tags is on, other plants will probably have to be reset too, but their concern is humanity And whatever life that isn't human probably has their own gods that probably don't care about them either Or they're painted by the fallen ones And the fact that they would probably be receded back on their homeworlds with their improved And beautified although the current form of their species probably will stop existing with all the technology in advancements they currently have will longer exist and be at a primitive State in all of heaven's arcane technology And sciences And advancements will be inherited by humanity That were judged worthy of being part of the new creation, but instead As it's stewards and inhabitants alongside the heaven born And the true hell gehenna or the lake of eternal flame if you're a layman has no people in it. And the hell that that Charlie lives in is sort of a one where you have a sort of time window that by the time of the tribulation will be closed Or the era of Grace being your chance to repent is gone And the reason for those repent before it's too late signs you might see then they're just stuck there forever but they're not Hades or double hell and the final one gehenna For humans still living


@Telwyn here's a line I found that explains it in a sense Judgment Seat of Christ
            Also known as the Bema Seat, this judgment is for believers, or those who follow Jesus. It takes place in heaven after the Rapture of the Church. At the Judgment Seat, Jesus rewards believers based on what they did while alive as well as why they were worthy to enter Abraham's garden And were raptured if your church believes that This is not a judgment for how believers responded to Christ for salvation. Instead, it's a judgment of examination and reward And to see why you were worthy to brought up in the clouds we're saved and entered Paradise know as Abraham's garden And the white throne of judgment or the Great White Throne This judgment is for unbelievers, or those who do not believe in Jesus Christ. It takes place at the time of Christ's Second Coming. At the Great White Throne, Jesus publicly recognizes decisions already made and judges unbelievers according to their works. The whiteness of the throne symbolizes God's purity and righteousness. As well as see those who happen to be in Hades and Abraham's garden and to judge them why they were saved and why they were lost specifically the rich man and Lazarus who are both to be said in the heavens of both Abraham's, garden and Hades /sheol And toGet a much better and more accurate judgment. And account for all aspects of a person's life But I personally believe during the bema seat of Christ people will still have their flaws called out and their mistakes but it's A examination you are meant to be examined so your flaws mistakes Are definitely made of note& brought to light As well as a new role place& position In the new creation and Kingdom&will reign with him For eternity on top of having a new glorified immensely powerful invulnerable indestructible perfected youthful immortal bodies


Anyone think Vaggie needs to get off the high horse attitude she has. So many stories I have found never address her attitude.  And I actually as I write wonder how she try and justify her actions toward God/Belldandy and Jesus Christ in my story.


@BenjaminColon148 Yeah suicide is a sin. I have been taught rd studied verses that with this issue no matter how good n you are if you kill yourself not on accident but on purpose even if its to avoid a worse horrible death like grapes in a burning building. God and Jesus both made that clear killing yourself on purpose is no excuse and as they made clear in the Bible and not what people Like to hear because there trying to as my parents have told me its there way of rejecting God because as long as they live and their life is I. There hands people can still be saved and come to know and accept Jesus in there life. God and Jesus don't want humans to die without them they want them to be saved but only if they choose to accept and have fiery in them while accepting as long as they live they are able to sin and to always hold themselves accountable. and to never fear death because no matter how painful they will always Belong to God as death is the beginning of new life after death. This means of course the risk of being hated for there faith and being hated by family, strangers, loved ones, friends, who may not habe come to Christ, and that. There is a chance they will be killed for there faith and be handed over to corrupt strangers or corrupt authorities to be humiliated, imprison and put to death. But no matter what people must have faith in God and Jesus. This is why I'm sure Charlie and Vaggie and Emily will think this is an unfair system. Its not. Because if it was Jesus death and resurrection on the cross would jot have been enough. But since then all humans can be saved Jew and non Jews alike they must simply ask forgiveness and come to Christ by their choice and In humility. Something th girls wont like as sinners are doom foreternity in the lake of fire where there is no such redemption since hell the current one is not the lake of fire there is away to salvation but to requires them to die in there sinful bodies to be reborn again in heaven.


@BenjaminColon148 Yeah Abel would have sense I can see him also losing his mine if Cain is brought up Charlie mistake him as Adam. Abel has no idea where he is.
            And Abel he definitely would be justified but he has hate to consume him and he probably wants to kill Cain via bash his head in the same way Abel got it. And if Cain is bad well then Charlie is going to have a hard time then with a wicked Cain that probably boost how he glad he killed Abel and he is not sorry for it. I don't see how Cain would be sorry about this. But lets say after years of suffering eternity on earth and dying by God hand and being in hell the foolish young man he was is gone and while HS is humbled he knows he doesn't deserve redemption no matter what Charlie tries to pull. Plus if Abel is killed it shows Charlie knows very little of what roses on. She is blind she won't believe anything about her parents true. It has be expose so hard on her that Charlie loses loses faith in her dream because not every wants to be saved or can be saved.


@Telwyn And sure there are people who could be counted as decent folk and are like Miss Mayberry, whose crimes is murder, wrath and of course suicide which is the most serious part of her sins because suicide is a no matter which denomination or other abrahamic religion is a universally accepted sin Because It is a complete And utter rejection of God's gift of life sure, you can make the arguments if you have problems and mental issues that makes your quality of living unbearable sure if you're a writer you can make it in a way that could an unfair thing Because not everybody can endure or have the ability to endure hardship and failure and pain And mental illness as well as most of these decent folk would just be keeping to themselves


How are things going with you


@BenjaminColon148 along with the fact that they're not really owned by massive corporations with agendas And biases and the fact that lying is a big No- no The fact that the reason they would lie is for money reasons to and it's profitable And the truth isn't usually sellable but given heaven is and my idea of it being hey technologically hyper advanced Utopian post scarcity society And are materially self-sufficient. It had ubiquitous, and distributed productive capability whose capacity exceeded conventional material needs. Raw materials and energy were readily available and enjoy a universally high standard of living Like the culture From the book series of the same name or the federation from Star trek money has no meaning In heaven


@BenjaminColon148 Yeah truth is more embolden


I wonder if the media In the heavenly realm is as biased on Earth and picks their favorites or is truth actually more emboldened no matter how uncomfortable the truth is because that's a big No-No in abrahamic religion lying especially in heaven and during two judgments especially the white throne one So they are probably more trustworthy than human news sources


Hey everyone I wrote a story based on what I think happens to Cannon Adam after his death and the consequences of course. Give it a read you might like it. I call it Adam's Passing and it is kinda of connected to my current story.


@Telwyn did you know According to the Bible, Enoch and Elijah were two people who were taken to heaven while still alive and without experiencing physical death: like Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death.: Elijah was taken to heaven in a whirlwind after being separated from his disciple Elisha by a chariot of fire Do you think something similar will happen To the main character when he was near the end of his Life or has a terminal Untreatable inoperable illness at some point in his life


@BenjaminColon148 No,  Adam was taken to the Sky Above Skies/ The Bliss. But their is a way to reach the Well of Souls it will be important in the main story.


@Telwyn Is he in the realm of souls?


Any one here play the call of duty games? Cause I found interesting how the main villain is trying to restore a strong Russia but defeating Europe and the USA or at least Europe to make Russia a great power. In my story the game have a different story line where it America, Columbia, Russia, and China and there allies vs the British Empire, the French and the German Empire there allies and colonies. And someone in the imperium Axis is get it to get World war 3 to happen.


I have an idea of what the alternate fallout games are like the It's kind of inspired by the reformist enclave from the hearts of iron game mod with the new world party if you're familiar with that yeah, the enclave is split among the east and west coast enclave where the West Coast is more the reformist faction after the new world party purged the more purest factions within it on the rig after the events of the first game that led to the Riggs explosion and the East Coast was just an expedition said by the West Coast and India sort of splintered off and there's the Appalachian ones who were led by just adult supercomputer with the memories of the former pre-war president who believes himself to be the real one. John Henry Eden And the enclave reconstruction authority is the game's version of the NCR and they were never nuked liked in this show because the enclave have access to all locations in their data and statuses and would find The Central vault And probably open them and It became new hubs of civilization


@BenjaminColon148 The ones  with Makarov. And he would not be the villain in an alternative call of duty games.


@Telwyn technically Makarov is just a terrorist Or is it cold war? Where? Basically it's just the Soviet Union But that wasn't what I was going to ask Tyler to say the least. Evil sinners who are from Earth technically would be among hellborn cities in the pride ring who protect communities from other centers and the ones we see Charlie hang out around are probably just the least evil but doesn't mean they won't step to their level to just survive if the pride ring operates like Gotham City where just existing takes all of your money and crying like in real life And on our planet is just a forced reallocation of economic resources And I always be like the least evil sinner's you always talk about probably be living in hellborn cities like imp City, which although probably are highly sought after areas and hellborn who live among the sinners probably only do so because that's literally all they can afford since I imagine rent is so for the roof that has to be seen to be believed and It would be interesting to see these. Christian sinners who are classified as lukewarm by heaven And the seraphim are probably who protect these cities, but they're just another gang, but they're just the least evil in the morality spectrum And they're just a gang that found it more beneficial. Not to steal from you today And you need economic resources to even move around safely 


You know I'm just saying hut reading other fics where Charlie and Emily refuse to accept the worse of evil sinners and hellborns have to be stuck in hell and later the true hell the lake of fire and are there become they rejected God and Jesus be it by words, or by choice they make is just flat out lame. And that is why im writing my story. 
          Because Charlie and emily will see the truth themselves. That are the wicked evil people you cannot redeem because they will prey on both and try to kill them simply because they can and will. It doesn't mean they give up to her they will have to face the fact there are many evil men and woman and children they cannot redeem.
          Also Charlie won't probably like the sinner Christians would rather trust in God and Jesus and believe they must accept the sins they committed in life and that to be redeem they must die to go to heaven.
          I'm just getting this out because I have decided that like living humans dead sinner Christians and innocent sinners that failed too believe in Christ can only be saved in there dammation. If they choose to speak out the sinus they committed and accept God as there creator and Jesus as there lord and savior and only thru them can they be saved. But to taken up to heaven just like living humans the sinners must loss there life in hell so they may be take back into the arms of their creator and savior. You will get to see what happens and how shocking it be to others in heaven and to Charlie and Vaggie and Emily especially when they find out God and Jesus both made this the requirement for the condemn innocent sinners in hell.
          The thing is will Charlie try and get both His and Jesus two change the part where the sinner must die? Honestly dying shows that the Christian and innocent sinners in hell are willing to also die in the name of God no matter how painful it is. Just SD those who live do as well.


@Telwyn first of all, hellborn can't enter heaven like ascend. They're bound to the seven rings mean they can't become Angels ever


I've noticed quite a few Emily getting banished in some fabrications and theories. Anyone believe Emily in my story will get banished from heaven?


@K0rts1 You have to wait and see yes there in the harem but I never said when O'Brien meets them. Currently he meant Oganna a powerful Exorcist. Who knows what will happen.


@Telwyn it depends, emily might possibly get banished as from what it seems, heaven is fine with her expressing her thoughts on extermination, but once emily tries to act on those thoughts of hers, then heaven might punish her in some way.
            But we still don't know how the society of heaven works what laws it has how certain things are done etc, but if O'brien meets and gets along with emily before that could possibly happen, then the chances might be less likely.
            Since O'brien might be able to convince the angels to not do it, since i remember you saying somewhere emily and sera will be in the harem (correct me if im wrong on that) he might be able to conicne sera and the others to not banish or punish emily or just give emily a very light punishment that isn't drastic.


Hello How are you doing?


In 2005 there were a several events that undermine public confidence in the bush the younger's administration the vice presidents chief of staff Lewis Libby was indicted for perjury and you know the house majority leader Tom the hammer " delay Also indicted for violating campaign financing laws then in August of the same year hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast near New Orleans submerging much of the city killing 1500 people leaving thousands of residents stranded without basic services and food and water disaster preparation and response was poor on The federal and state and local levels But the slow response of The department of Homeland security and federal emergency management was particularly noticeable during the time as thousands of mostly African Americans New Orleans residents suffered without food or water damage to the city was estimated to be 80 billion and gave me a fear and phobia of hurricanes and the Katrina disaster highlighted and exposed the persistent poverty and racial divisions while the katrina disaster probably contributed to a reversal of fortune for the congressional Republicans in the 2006 midterms it was most likely the spike in gas prices resulted from the shut down of refining capacity in the Gulf and the Saudis and Venezuelan government in need of financing massive social programs and the Saudis wanting to expand their cities and make them more luxurious and lavish and to make more money as well as OPEC deciding on that as well as the increased demands for oil and natural gas and huge amounts of natural resources from a rapidly growing China or in this case post-war demand from China voters gave Democrats majorities in both houses and Nancy pelosi of California became the first woman, speaker of the house in American history and then in 2007 North America fell back into recession as a massive housing bubble deflate like they all inevitably do followed by a near total collapse of the North American banking and financial system


Bush Junior's reelection was a shocked to historians defeating the surprisingly weak John Kerry in 2004 and John Carey was characterized as a waffler on a number of issues, especially the Iraq war which doesn't exist in this world or the war on terror and carry history as a Vietnam protester which also doesn't exist? Or in this case, a southeast Asian war protester in the sense of he's fearful that it might escalate the conflict into a global war especially in the first year of the war along with try not trying to take back Taiwan and the South China Sea during a conflict, also known as the South China Sea war which was a another theater where it was characterized by countless naval engagement and battles air battles between the Philippine Chinese  North and South American and French and German navies and also a terrible windsurfer both of whom didn't help it much and they were very recent memory speaking Bush's victory in our world was a bit surprising historians admitted at that moment the Iraq war in our world was going well at first glance The economy was a whole different thing which is what really drives voters traditionally was the midst of the 2001 to 2002 recession wasn't that great at all The recession began during 2001 and the September 11th attacks made it much worse and well GDP they grow again. Relatively quick employment didn't recover It's a description of a jobless recovery 90% of the jobs lost during it were in the manufacturing and industry and construction sector I eat the backbone of North America continuing a trend in our world that we've been seeing for 30 years at the time the number of steel workers dropped from 520,000 in 1972 to 120,000 in 2004 given that they're riding off the post southeast Asian war boom. It's unlikely it will happen and George Bush Jr became the first president since Herbert Hoover who were seeing that lots of jobs¬ lose an election and to be clear, that's not necessarily fair to presidents They just inherited it


@BenjaminColon148 George bush would have had a some what some okay presidency as he be able to deal with the war on terror as the Islamic jihadists are at best at half strength compared to the real world as the imperial axis Alliance would have had a near iron grasp in the middle east colonies.  The imperium axis having less morals toward non whites would have purposely  cripple there native populations via gang pressing there young men and childern into fighting in overseas wars, while killing the rest whom rebel. The war on terror be western Europe way of further futhering that iron hold on there colonies. The Arab elites whom back the terror Islamic terrorists are promptly executed by European military governors and European warlords and there wealth seized. The non European native populastions are obsessed even more Including unfortunately the Christian Arabs as there not considered white to equal to European whites,  allied soldiers on the other hand are less cruel toward the Christian Arabs and the Kurds . by 2009-2010 the Aaron terror is brought to a close. Shat is left are the Christian and non Christian Arabs and Africans in the middle east and north Africa. The war on terror unfortunately stalled any aid to the non Muslim from the allied nations for a few years because of the war on terror. 
            The poor handling of hurricane Katrina dose not happen on account there are more then people and militias able to help handle the situation in the effected states.


Theory time in the Hazbin hotel show Adam did not die sera and the other angels took him to heaven so he was still human with Angel upgrades that's why he could die. This came from a fan fiction on archive of your own.
          So this makes sense tome Adam  becoming a jerk because he was not allow to die. As he still had sin in his heart which festered.
          Now my alternative Adam or more bible accurate Adam dies. Because Belldandy/God, and Jesus Christ spirit doesn't let Sera and the angels stop Adam from dying to old age.
          The Angels I imagine had painted that Adam soul would be probably sent to hell in the actual show. Here there fear is real but they can't do anything to disobey His and when Adam shows up he is changed free man with a heart free of sin. Peace at last from his mortal life. He not an angel he has no wings either.


@Lightrex Np I think I might do a short on this.


@Telwyn hey, I read it I quite like it thanks again for telling me


Would you all want to my alternative Adam to show up in this story? As his daughter Aclima is in place and Adam is not a jerk as I based him off my understanding of him in the bible a guy who has Obeyed God even after he ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. 
          He also only a jerk because in till he ate the fruit he would not know how to be a jerk as their was no anger or sin for him to draw upon even after he ate the fruit he was more humble then aggressive and he close to my alternative God/Belldandy whom place in him the knowledge how to be a man and how he would teach it to his sons, of course sin hounded him. And if it could not sway him it punish him via thru his children and grand childern. 
          Because in this story sin is very alive like a person but like God its a everywhere and it dose not answer to the devil,Dante, Roo or,lucifer.
          I do plan to add Adam and Eve into my story but their rolls are not as leaders. They were not meant to be in charge of any heaven politics and something has happen to Adam I can't revel just yet.


@Telwyn And I prefer that God or Bell dandy has no part in the exterminations but in your original concept disappeared 10,000 years ago, which apparently in the show How Long the exterminations have been going on But let's go with a thousand years instead of 10 And at the exorcist Angels are made in a lab And are completely the work of the seraphim who can't create life in this version but made through already existing genetic material and powerful angelic magic to bring actual life to some degree being why most would not look like any of the other heaven born or winners who from the looks of the show all look different and that their halos are Black instead of the gold Or pearly white and I doubt you can change the color of it and redeemed sinners Or ascended sinners have a red Halo to indicate their status and they can't get rid of it or grab it or has their own hands would go right through it


@Telwyn oh yeah, that sinners probably do a similar trend to winners who are given a new name upon entrance to heaven Or they gave themselves new names because they don't fit them anymore?


@BenjaminColon148 I was agreeing with you I believe.