
Good morning from the South side of Africa.
          	Just an update for anyone who cares. Collide has taken a bit of a back seat to my latest work (a story I have been concocting since 2013). Please just be patient as I will try to work on both at the same time. 


Good morning from the South side of Africa.
          Just an update for anyone who cares. Collide has taken a bit of a back seat to my latest work (a story I have been concocting since 2013). Please just be patient as I will try to work on both at the same time. 


To my (few) followers, 
          The most of you follow me because of my fanfics about SOA. Therefore I feel it's fair to tell you why I have been so quiet and uninspired to write. 
          Recently I have had to deal with depression and self-harm and the things I loved most in life (reading and writing) took a back seat. I apologise for empty promises of finishing Collide soon because it did not and will not happen soon. 
          Right now I'm focusing on me. Did what we all do during a mental breakdown: dyed my hair and moved (twice). 
          I've also been working on some sci-fi stuff when I have the energy - something new that serves as a fine distraction. 
          I wish you all the best and hopefully next time you hear from me I will have something for you to read. 


Hello everyone! 
          I have been getting requests to update Collide. I promise I will as soon as I can. I am writing exams at the moment so as soon as that's over I'll take my student hat off and put my writer hat back on. 
          Thank you for your patience! 


To all those waiting in anticipation for my latest SOA fanfic... 
          I apologise. Currently I am completing my Honours year and things have been HECTIC. 
          I have not forgotten about it! 
          Thank you for your patience!