@_borderlineCRAZY oh wow... That's wow. Lol sorry I'm... Rather speechless. I don't mind editing it though I'm not a professional, though im confident I could edit it and do that editing justice. Are you ok with that? If so I would be honored to help you out. And don't worry lol you write rest well. Im a but worried about hour though. If you ever start to dislike your own story talk to me first please. The reason why I ask is becausE the other say, an author I respected discredited her own work and her readers and until she had blown up at us readers I was fully into her stories. I get what she mental that she thought it had to have sexual content.in order for the story to get read, however that isn't the case it had what I call mild sexual content, which means those scenes were steamy without needing all the details and it was believable. But that wasn't the reason why she got readers, she got readers because well the emotions.and story had that realistic feel to it, much like yours does. It's a rare talent to have, being able to put a "soul" into a story like that and until she blew up at us fans I loved reading her stories, I loved the idea that she could have gone far even famously so, if she had of asked first instead of blowing up and melting down first. At the same time I feel sorry for her, she had a real talent for writing but now that she has discredited herself like that she's not only lost readers but also any chance she had of making it big without having to struggle to get.there. Your probably wondering why im telling you this, it's because you have that same talent, it's a very rare talent to have. And while yours is still developing it's still giving your stories an added edge. Now let me just tell you, I don't read your stories cause of the steamyness I read it because it's got that realistic soul to it, where it feels real. I've read thousands of books in my life but yet I can only name a dozen that had a soul in them. Don't get me wrong a story doesn't