
Will be updating LTDS tomorrow! 


Hey! You might not remember me, but you read some of my stories a while back. I was going through some of the old comments and I saw yours. I've been feeling down about my writing lately and seeing those comments really helped me!! Thanks so much!! :-) 
          Btw, you are like writer goals! XD


How could I forget one of my favorite authors on Wattpad? I haven’t been on forever but I remember constantly checking you for updates before I left haha. I read over your book again and I’m STILL a mess over Razvan (did I spell that right?) Message me if you find another Razvan.
            Also, I’m in the same boat as you. I’ve been mentally wrecked and haven’t written in ages. I felt bad returning as I’m not ready to continuously update. I also reread comments from my (cheesy an cliche) story last night (it’s weird how I hate those kind of stories but end up writing them myself). Anyway, I ramble too much! I hope you find your passion to write again because you are marvelous at it. You have a permanent fan right here. :)


We havent talked in so long. Liz. Where are u?


@TeaceFindlay I'm so sorry, I've been so mentally weak for the longest time. I feel undeserving of updating chapters of my book, but I'm going to try again. My heart when I see messages like yours, thank you so much. I appreciate your concern Teace. <3


You up from the grave yet? Its been a while. Update soon


Oh well i hope you get mentally charged again sometime. Im sorry I asked you to update. I wont ask for a while.


@Zbadass I'm mentally weak for a while, but I'm going to try updating again. I stopped for a long time because I don't want to keep disappointing you guys.


Where have you been all my liiife all my liufe liiife liiife no but WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN 
          College, jobe, baby, problems throw them away in the dumpster by Tacobell and get to work!  


I'm so sorry! Honestly I'm so carried away with life. People supporting me irl and then telling me to stop wasting time with imagination, losing a client, financial troubles. I'm sorry I can't keep up lately, I actually feel like a failure to you all. Even if sporadic, I'll try to complete the chapters.


@Zbadass hi me, myself, and I pleeease stop making those damn typos