
recovering from Hobi's concert still, but I will be writing as i have the time off. will update as soon as I can <3
          	happy reading, lovelies.


His concert was sooo good 


I need sleep, but managed to update Bloodline Seduction. I will be taking a mini break/vacation next week, so I'll be able to write more again. I will try to get as much written as I can. Thank you for being patient with me. 
          Love to you all, (4 more months and we get our 7 back!!!) happy reading lovelies <3


I know it's been a while.. but a lot has been going on personally. And that would include my cousin's wedding so I've been extra busy. 
          I am trying to find time to write, I promise I will update something as soon as I can but it might be another week. I just wanted touch base and let you know I will continue writing, I just haven't had the time. Please wait a little longer. <3 happy reading lovelies.


I've just re-read the dragon series. I just love it so much. You're very talented. The way you portrayed everything is absolutely beautiful. I'm in love with the way you write. I just can't express how much I'm grateful to have found your books. 
          Love you 


@Shinelikeastar19 thank you for the kind words.  I will continue to write and try to evolve my writing as well.  Thank you again,  I'm glad you enjoyed the series. 


I know it's been a while since I updated. It's almost 3am Christmas morning right now. I'm outside of the city visiting family. 
          Once I get home I'll be able to update. It will be a few more days though, so please wait. 
          My schedule has been all over the place. Plus side is before my little cousin and I headed out here, we went to Jin's Gin pop up. for the alcohol he's selling. And I got the box set with the glass and 4 cans - two of each flavor. Then when we got here it turns out my other cousin got me the cool Gin bottle set and she gave it to me early since she knows the little kids will be around tomorrow and it's just not appropriate to gift alcohol in front of children.
          (At least that's how most feel in my family)
          I will update as soon as possible. thank you for being so understanding and thank you for reading my works. 
          I purple you <3


Hello. I wonder if you have a sequel to Nightingale? Really loved the story ❤️


Thank you. I will wait ❤️


@MarieKarlsson3 there is no sequel yet, but one is pre-planned.  I have other stories to finish up first, but I will get around to the sequel. 


Since I'm pulling an all nighter to stream Jin's 'I'll be there '. I managed to get the next bloodline part out. I'll continue writing as long as I can, it's  only almost 1am, so I should have at least 4 more hours in me. Lol
          Happy reading,  lovelies <3


All the excitement over Hobi finally getting out of the military,  everything else like Jin’s first official solo debut album, I have been busy lol.
          So... I will update multiple things this weekend,  just please wait a little longer.
          Love you, be safe, have fun, and happy reading lovelies <3


Take your time  we’ve waited 18 months for Jin and Hobi what’s a couple days