Hi everybody, I have an idea for a new book that I have been thinking about for a while. I have already got the plot, background, and a few chapters written up. I don't know what to call the book yet, or if I should start uploading what I have got already.
However, if I do start uploading I am afraid that what happened to my other story "The Rogue" will happen to this one that I have started.
This new book will have parts of my life in it and some of the stuff that the main character goes through and her personality/background is semi based on me and what I have and what I am dealing with. With that said not the whole main character is based off on me and what I have/had dealt with.
Yes, the book might be similar to others but as I said I have had this idea of writing a book with a character that kind of resembles me for quite a while. I have asked family and friends if I should write a book about what I have been through personally and they have said yes countless times and they keep saying I should do it as I love writing as much as I love reading.
Please let me know if I should upload it or if I should wait another few months until I finish writing the draft.