
Hey guys! So I posted a story "past the oak tree" if you could take like 5 maybe 10 minutes out of your busy day to read and if you like it vote and if you really like it tell your friends! Or don't tell your friends you can tell whoever you want as long as you tell someone because I'm watching you. Thank you!(: 
          	PS. I'm dead serious about that last part.


Hey guys! So I posted a story "past the oak tree" if you could take like 5 maybe 10 minutes out of your busy day to read and if you like it vote and if you really like it tell your friends! Or don't tell your friends you can tell whoever you want as long as you tell someone because I'm watching you. Thank you!(: 
          PS. I'm dead serious about that last part.


Thank you so, so much for fanning, and welcome to Wattpad! :-D I'm honored to be the first one that you fanned! (Just so ya know, I refuse to call it following...ugh...:-P)
          Anyway, thanks again!