Habfusbfhsjabx ja djsb fjsbfj. Ajdbsbajbfbs. Jsbfbsjf jsbfhsbfja djs did sjs do a fjsnd is d sjscbssb sjdbdbchskaksk.
Thats how I feel rn. I just wan cuddles
Habfusbfhsjabx ja djsb fjsbfj. Ajdbsbajbfbs. Jsbfbsjf jsbfhsbfja djs did sjs do a fjsnd is d sjscbssb sjdbdbchskaksk.
Thats how I feel rn. I just wan cuddles
I has problem
I have a bf who id amazing
I have a crush who is awesome but I think he is out of my league.
My bf dosnt know/undertamd that I'm polly.
What should I do?
Y'all I have a confession. I am addicted to
Minecraft and Dance central 2 for the xbox 360 its a kanect game and I fucking love it. Whne I was six my bro and I beat the story mode challenge and like now I'm going back and doing it so I can unlock the other crew and ngl even tHough its 2:30 am I still wanna play. Its a problem lol
When your working on a story and Accedentaly wrote like 2 chapters not counting the first part uploaded and like crap that's two days of posting. Shoudl I just post them both later today (its 2 am where I'm at)
I did yard work then had self care after bax things happened on friday (all you need To know is things happened and i almost self harmed). I washed 3 wigs and their super soft. I played LOTS of minecraft and listened To music. I played games with the fan and ate dim sum and I just chilled. Tomorrow is gonna be rough but you know what its days like these where I'm happy that matter. Because I'm done dwelling on things that I have no control of. Tomorrow I'm going to think back to Friday probably not eat as much and most likely feel sick to my stomach all day but today is whats important and anyone who reads this needs to take a day like this. Self care even when you feel bad. You deserve it I love you all
1. I'm in mexico.
2. My FAM is accepting my older bro
3. Your mom gey
4. My GPA may have adopted a stray
5. IDK how to communicate with my crush
6. emo_pastels and I need to talk more
7. My mind is saying its 10:30 but mexico says it's 12:30
8. My loose tooth is finna pop out soon!
Talk to y'all later
New thing where y'all can ask me a truth or dare oe would you rather and I must comply. So ASK AWAY MY DUDES
Hey guys! Update about me
1 getting therapy soon yay
2 might be a wee bit crazy. Yay
3 four people like.me so far this year and 2 are girls 1 I don't like and the last one likes me back but dosnt want to date
4 I have 2 hopeless crushes (other than the one mentioned above)
5 I'm gay not pan yay
6 last but not least I am getting a new wig soon yay