I've been questioning this for some years now and I really feel stuck about it :/
If anyone reading this is lesbian or bi, how did you find out/become sure? I don't think I'm straight, especially not after recent events.
@Terrysilversgi that’s a totally normal fear to have lovely! I came out to my brother first because he was there and I knew he would support me. I did have people who didn’t support me and that hurt but I had more people who did support me and at the end of the day, you support yourself. You don’t have to come out until you’re ready!
And I’m glad this could help you bby!
@Terrysilversgi awee nice !! yeah being sick is a pain in the butt loll, i had fun! it was okay, i went to my grandparents that live like 2 hours away from where i live lmaoo
@zmbie_star ugh being sick is so annoying, I'm sick too rn, but I had lots of fun for Christmas! My family bought so much stuff, we have leftovers that'll last til new years. What about you? :D
Has anyone here watched the movie Precious, bc I just did and I can't stop fcking crying oh my days-- like I don't usually swear but it's HEART-WRENCHING