
Hello lovelies ♥️ 
          	I will be posting for Running Up That Hill tonight just been so busy today I didn't get to write one this morning like I wanted to.
          	Just giving you all an update 


Hey lovelies ♥️ 
          My chapter for running up that hill will be late I was halfway through a chapter today and ended up getting hand tendonitis from holding my phone for too long and typing the way I was typing. 
          So I'm in a brace now and imma let it rest and continue tomorrow, hoping that it's less swollen and painful so I can type since I do everything on my phone 


Hello lovelies ♥️ 
          I just wanted to go give a life update 
          (Even though I don't think people read these LOL)
          but I am finally finding my drive for writing again and mainly focusing on Running Up That Hill, my Conjuring fic. 
          I don't know if I'll be getting back into lavender haze:/ I think doing that fanfic is what made me so overwhelmed with what I love which is writing because it was such a big plot and so much to cover. 
          Lavender Haze is what put me in my slump and recently I've been getting back into it and finding a drive again. I may or may not keep Lavender Haze up since people keep asking when I'm going to update it (which isn't going to be anytime soon) 
          As for now I'm only going to be doing Running Up That Hill, it's solely based on my desired reality for shifting to the conjuring universe, so give it a read if you like.
          Thank you for bearing with me in my writing slump. ♥️


Hello lovelies ♥️ 
          Just an update, I'm going to try to get back on my writing grind but for the new writing schedule I'm going to be posting only two days in the week instead of 3
          I think posting 3 days out of the week was causing my burnout because I was writing 16k words every week
          So Wednesday's and Thursdays I'll be posting, it is in my bio. You'll be getting chapters for Running Up That Hill and Lavender Haze 


Hello lovelies ♥️
          I thought I'd come on here to get deep about something, as you know I've taken a huge step back on my writing and that's because life is in the way right now. 
          As for life problems, financial stability is an issue for me right now, stress has become a new best friend for me. Also my insomnia has been knocking on the door lately so I'm mostly sleeping during the day and up all night. 
          Depression has been a big part of my life since I was 15 and substance abuse (such as alcohol) since I was 21. I've definitely fallen back into those bad habits and I'm struggling. 
          I guess my point is that everyone has a dark hole and I'm currently in mine. I do think about you guys and beat myself up over not updating my stories because I know you enjoy them so much. 
          I don't talk about my mental health, I find a way to talk about my trauma though my fanfics. I just want you to know it's okay to have a down day, week or even month. I'm a walking billboard of it. 
          I love every single one of you guys who follow me and read my fics. If you are going through what I am going through currently, reach out to a friend or even family. You matter :) 
          I know this post is late but I had to get it off my chest. Goodnight, love you 


Take your time and always remember your mental health comes first before anything else 


Take your time as someone who struggles daily with not only mental health but other things as well  I understand so please take your time 


Hello lovelies ❤️ 
          I wanna deeply apologize for being missing from writing on Lavender Haze, but I've been feeling burnt out on that story line that I've been updating when I feel like it.
          I'm sorry if that upsets some of you guys, I've been more focused on my other fic I have posted, that only gets updated when I feel like it also.
          I've completely gone off schedule that's in my bio. I hope you understand, I've just been not motivated (personal life stuff)