
Every one go vote for One Direction on Twitter!!! The hashtag is #MTVHottest One direction. Help them win! They deserve it!


Chapter three of "The Circuit is up! Let me know if you like it and what you favorite rodeo event is :D Also, I'd like to thank all of you for 200+ reads for "Our Lost Years". This means so much! I never thought I'd come this far with my writing. Goodnight, potato hunters, and remember ...


Hey everybody :) Sooo I have a surprise..... I got an idea for a new story! Also I won't be updating until the weekend because I have finals this week.... yay. *cough*not*cough* The new story is going to be called "Losing you". Anyways bye little potato hunters, have a good week and for those of you who have finals too... I feel your pain. Byeeee I lab you all :)


Hey guys :) I'm back! and with lots of inspiration. I hope you guys like the new chapters. I will be continuing "The circuit" and I'm starting up "Out Lost Years" again. Oh, and I have a surprise new story for you all. It is called "Can't Figure Out Who You Are". The idea was given to me by one of my followers and I will be dedicating it to him.