
@G4vegan It goes pretty good =] What about yourself? And thank you for fanning, it's muchly appreciated. 


Well.... We should just stop making promises. T_T We would promise to get Chapter One out tomorrow... but as you can see we promised for both Sunday and Monday as well. But we are very close to being done, fo sho. :/ We'll give an update tomorrow, and we may get it out then too.


Erm, hello fans. We are SO sorry for this, but we're afraid that we are not quite ready to put Chapter One out yet. Life seemed to be a lot more busy than expected, but we are most definitely going to post by tomorrow night. AND THAT'S A PROMISE!!! So please don't hate us and just wait one more day. =D Thank you for putting up with two scalawags like us.


@TezeLus boohoo don't make me cry. You know how complicated it was to upload a single pic? Well try doing that for a whole album that Kizz15 requested. Sadly I only got half before I was booted off. I only made minor headway on SA. :'( but TOMORROW I don't have anything going on as far as I know so I am determined to finish it up! Besides, you already got a sneak peek. :P