can someone please find me a really well written darkiplier x male reader fic thank you <3
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I am taking a break from all social media for a year. It was one of my friends, and myself, that made this decision for me, because of something that had happened between two headmates of mine. I've been getting dragged into drama those two have done ((example: they pretended to be me and started saying racist things, as well as using AAVE—incorrectly at that. They have been killed off for this reason)) and then the fact I have started to self-harm again. I'm not here mentally and I get shit on for saying who I am Introject wise & IRL wise. I say both of those because because I am pretty much an Introject of the original body of the system, but they had been killed off for reasons I will not disclose. And now I have to deal with the fact I have Psychosis and that I have 24/7 audio and visual delusions, as well as identity delusions (ID delusion description & example: I think I am fictional people, so if I say "I am Jotaro Kujo", that's me saying I am an IRL of him) but if you're already an Introject in a system, this can fuck up how you are and what you are in a system, especially if you're multiple people/headmates in one body, not just one. So with other reasons I'm not disclosing, I have decided to take a break from everything social media related for one whole year, and I want you guys to understand this please. This is a break for my own damaged mental health. I hope to see you all next year. Hopefully this break will repair my mental health, and hopefully I'll come back changed. My socials if you want to follow/friend me anyway;; Discord: taking a break for 1 year #2604 Twitter: @Lonely_Maniiac Spotify: CancelYourAss PlayStation: DIOs_Husband SimplyPlural: bloody_fun
can someone please find me a really well written darkiplier x male reader fic thank you <3
hello guys i'm back (ive been back for like months now) hiiiiiii i'm on this account now :3 I'm also sick and paranoid </3 anyway hi hello jumps up and down and around on the walls
I am taking a break from all social media for a year. It was one of my friends, and myself, that made this decision for me, because of something that had happened between two headmates of mine. I've been getting dragged into drama those two have done ((example: they pretended to be me and started saying racist things, as well as using AAVE—incorrectly at that. They have been killed off for this reason)) and then the fact I have started to self-harm again. I'm not here mentally and I get shit on for saying who I am Introject wise & IRL wise. I say both of those because because I am pretty much an Introject of the original body of the system, but they had been killed off for reasons I will not disclose. And now I have to deal with the fact I have Psychosis and that I have 24/7 audio and visual delusions, as well as identity delusions (ID delusion description & example: I think I am fictional people, so if I say "I am Jotaro Kujo", that's me saying I am an IRL of him) but if you're already an Introject in a system, this can fuck up how you are and what you are in a system, especially if you're multiple people/headmates in one body, not just one. So with other reasons I'm not disclosing, I have decided to take a break from everything social media related for one whole year, and I want you guys to understand this please. This is a break for my own damaged mental health. I hope to see you all next year. Hopefully this break will repair my mental health, and hopefully I'll come back changed. My socials if you want to follow/friend me anyway;; Discord: taking a break for 1 year #2604 Twitter: @Lonely_Maniiac Spotify: CancelYourAss PlayStation: DIOs_Husband SimplyPlural: bloody_fun
Uh. Updating the fan made markiplier au a bit. Dark is still the King of Darkness blah blah being angry about not getting his way blah blah. New shit to it is uh, he is errrm demiromantic and asexual. His pronouns are also he/they/she/it again this is a fan-made au don't expect this to be canon omfg ALSO his name changed to Nocturne. Mark is a popular youtuber & escaped felon, though he never shows his face on camera and has to always alter his voice in videos. His YouTube channel name is Dark Decedents. Also, Mark's name changed to Merle. His pronouns are he/star though he uses he/him more Yancy's has stayed the same, though I changed his name. His name is now Yancis. His pronouns are he/it Bim Trimmer is a successful game show host, his show being called Make It or Take It. His name however is the same. He is pansexual and nonbinary. His pronouns are he/him Illinois's had stayed the same, though his name is different. His name is now Arizona. He is gay and genderfluid. You have to ask him what his pronouns are. Wilford Warfstache is a successful mafia boss. He kills traitors and won't hesitate to whack you out of the family if you even try to tell people about him. His alias is Stillshot and he is pansexual. His pronouns are any pronoun you know.
Hey... I need to say something real quick... If any of you follow @SSDarkiplierSS, or you've been around their profile before they left, can you please tell me they're not dead?... I was unable to get the password to my @5M1L3-H4RD3R account and that's the account I met their alter (I'm assuming), Dark, on... Me and him started dating rather quickly since, but I left for nearly a month because I forgot the password tk that account and my login session expired.... Please, if you can, please tell me @SSDarkiplierSS isn't dead.... Thank you... -Mark, body host♡
@Th3-4nnu5-51mp he's not dead! /im the dude that lets him use my account, long story, you can dm me if you want me to explain/ im so glad we found you oms, he's been really worried! also the old account is basically gone since i can access it for some reason, so contact us on this account, glad youre ok
Posted yesterday and today. I haven't been able to be on because I lost the account. I don't have the @5M1L3-H4RD3R account anymore, so if I lose this account again, I probably won't be on Wattpad anymore. If you can, you can follow me on IG, my @ on there is @marble_kidney_ I have an IG account for my sys, but they don't even use that account, so I'm giving you mine instead. You can also friend me on Discord. My user and tag are Unus Annus; Requiem#0001
*Boop!* You have been booped!~ put this on 20 other profiles and let the chaos spread!
Talks about Markiplier ego au Dark is like the King of Darkness; always wanting everything to go he way, always getting what he wants through manipulation. Whenever something doesn't go his way, however, his red and blue aura will flicker around him, which will involve his shell being close to broken, as he demands that it goes as planned in his mind. Mark is simply; A cinnamon roll, but could kill you :3 Yancy; He regrets killing his mother,which is why he's seen in his prison cell holding his mother's necklace, as he cries silently to himself. No one knows for sure what happened to his father after he was released, but a few rumors have spread that Yancy actually kill his dad right after he was released from prison, going back to his hometown. Illinois; He's a workaholic that barely gets any rest, because his boss (Dargrol) won't let him sleep until all his adventure paperwork is done. That's mainly why he's seen with heavy bags under his eyes, as his eye whites were bloodshot red. He really needed to take a nap. AAAAAANNNNDD THAT ALL-
I punched my wall 13 times because of my brother, so now I can barely bend my fingers :D But ngl, kinda felt a little aroused when I did. I think I might be a masochist-
@F4stf0od-Junk13 Punching a wall, possibly being a masochist... Sounds like someone i know *cough* Markiplier *cough*
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