
halli hallo hallöchen!
          Thank you for your interest in my books.
          Es ist immer schön Deutschland Lesserimen zu begrussen.
          Ich wohnte funf Jahren in Berlin!
          (But I never really learnt German properly- just ‘learning by doing’ as we don’t say in English!)
          - GN -


Yep. I received your answer… back in June 21.
            I was in Berlin, last month, visiting my son and his girlfriend. She is from South Africa, and it is the first time she had ever encountered snow!
            Thank you for all the votes! Back to work now… I have two books on the go at the moment: one is a science-fiction/fantasy /post apocalyptic thing. That is more or less complete, and I’ve given it to a couple of beta readers with an eye to having it published conventionally; the other one is a much more conventional ( for me) erotic romance.
            – GN –


@GarethN Hey 
            So I just reread a couple of your books and I have to say that I really enjoyed reading them again.  Did I ever answer your messages or is Wattpad just not showing them to me? 


Danke auch fürs folgen! (And yes, I copied from Tollkirsche)
            And I know moin moin - but only for the morning!