Well, friends, I'm off!
Might stop by again in a couple years. If you guys keep me updated on awesome stories to read while I'm gone, I'll definitely knock out a couple dozen volumes on my return!! :D
It's been so fun reading, chatting, and catching up with y'all over the past week. Rereading old stories, and reading new ones, getting a chance to cheer about your work and discuss serious topics, has been SO refreshing. I hadn't realized how much I missed y'all until I came back. I don't want to leave again, but... heh, I've already been spending way too much time here as compared to other irl things I need to get done. XD
So goodbye for now! Might stop in again, might not - who knows! Just remember, I've never forgotten you, and if I do die between now and 2041, I'll make sure you guys know, so you aren't left hanging ;)
Well that was a cheery note to end on.
See y'all soon!!!!! ;D O7