
Okay, I haven't update YouTuber in a while but Writer's Block is an ass. I have now found inspiration though so I'm back on the grind to release chapters again. However, rip that schedule I said I would go by. Love you all. 


Okay, I haven't update YouTuber in a while but Writer's Block is an ass. I have now found inspiration though so I'm back on the grind to release chapters again. However, rip that schedule I said I would go by. Love you all. 


Hey guys! It's the 15th and my birthday so I'm going to give you guys something because it's also Opposite Day in my book. I just posted the first chapter of my 2016 project, YouTuber! Enjoy it, guys. Let's see how long this one lasts. =D
          P.S. the guy on the cover is my favourite youtuber. He does Minecraft, mainly but posts occasional Q&A/Vlogs/Challenge videos. 


I haven't updated in a while and I have no proper excuse. I'm sorry. 
          Segario will be ending. I will rewrite it eventually but atm, I don't like where it's gone. 
          Perfect Wings? I'm going get up my lazy -excuse my language, I'm really mad at myself for lack of updates- ass and get that new chapter finished. I swear it'll be done by the time school starts for me (Sept 8, EST) and posted for you to enjoy. 
          The only thing I constantly update is The Thamilnee Theory which is a book where I post random stuff like rants one-shots (fandom or not), book updates etc. Is that a self promotion? Not intentionally. But it's on my page. 
          I also have a book recommendation: In 27 Days by _______ because I don't remember her name. It's really good and I really wish there was a sequel. 
          I think that's it. Once again, I really, REALLY apologize for me being a terrible author. Love you guys <3