
HIIIIIII! Dear Followers!! So I will say it in two languages:
          	So I have written lots of stories and last year I removed all of them because I didn't like their style. So now I only have a story (which is not complete) that it is written in Italian. I wrote some stories in English and I was wondering if I should publish them, or if I should finish this one and then republish the ones I removed after the editing is done. So help pleaseeeee
          	In poche parole ho rimosso alcuni miei libri l'anno scorso ma in tanto ne sto scrivendo altri in inglese, non so se pubblicare quelli in inglese o edittare quelli in Italiano vecchi e pubbliccarli prima. HELP!!!!!!


HIIIIIII! Dear Followers!! So I will say it in two languages:
          So I have written lots of stories and last year I removed all of them because I didn't like their style. So now I only have a story (which is not complete) that it is written in Italian. I wrote some stories in English and I was wondering if I should publish them, or if I should finish this one and then republish the ones I removed after the editing is done. So help pleaseeeee
          In poche parole ho rimosso alcuni miei libri l'anno scorso ma in tanto ne sto scrivendo altri in inglese, non so se pubblicare quelli in inglese o edittare quelli in Italiano vecchi e pubbliccarli prima. HELP!!!!!!


Hey, Can you please take sometime out and read my story "Under protection"  which i just started to write few months back..The storyline is quite different and you can easily find it on my profile..Its my first time so please have a look and let me know. I  will be very thankful to you..


Sure will do!! I will add the story to my library right now!! Not sure If I can read it immediately, but I will try ❤️ (Sorry I am not reading much because of school)


ehi ciao come va? :-)....ti va di passare a leggere la mia nuova storia perché proprio tu? 


@ francessssca  certo ovviamente;-)


 Yup! Tu potresti leggere la mia storia Jenny's Tears?


Ti va di leggere e sopratutto votare la mia storia? Si chiama: Only You: You And me 2. È un sequel ma puoi leggerlo senza bisogno di leggere la prima❤
          Grazie mille se lo farai! 
          Spero che lo farai e lascerai qualche commento. Grazie Mille.❤