@AdverseUniverse That's half good then cause my friend ship Chloe and Ice bear (from we bare bears) and immediate FBI open up meme thing came through my mind. ChLoE iS eLeVeN
Congrats on me for having 100 followers. To whom’s’t’ve’d’d follow me. Thank you for following even though I gave up making most of the books that I was so hype on making but meh
I went to numerous other social media’s and they’re horrible cause insta have this ‘bug’ and they ‘fixed’ it while tumblr is so messed up that even a genuine nice art was flagged as inappropriate what else?! Wattpad make an update where there’s a button called ‘announce this to my follower’ which people thought Wattpad was broken but in reality it’s an update just like the two but it’s not that bad if you ignore them but my gosh their spams are annoying but you gotta deal with them cause you don’t wanna unfollow them cause that would be very rude of you?!
But true tho that YouTube is hella broken because they don’t really give shit about copyright or something bad like how they treat pewdiepie and Logan Paul