hiya. it's been a while...
i'm sorry. i haven't been working on book 4 like i promised. school's been a pain. but right now i just got to my summer break. i mean i still have one more homework to do but shouldn't be that bad.
i'm also having a little bit of trouble coming up with impostor strategies and storylines. i have said before that i depended really hard on the vents in the past, and i wanted to make impostor strats without the vents for book 4. but i was too dependent on them, and i couldn't think of any good ones.
my book 4 is prewritten up to only chapter 5 for the past few weeks/months. after that, i haven't been working in wattpad at all since i just keep getting piled homeworks and school stuff, and when i don't get school stuff, i just take my time to rest. i'm sorry if i'm lazy.
i don't really know what to do. maybe i should cancel book 4 and get out of wattpad, but i know that will disappoint you all, especially after i promised you all for a gameplay in polus.
so this will be the future of my fanfictions; i will continue on book 4, but then after finishing it, i most likely won't be working on anymore fanfictions, and actually get out of wattpad. not forever, but not for only a short while either.
i'm sorry. i'll get right on it.