The two pyromaniacs and the murderer threw into one. 
What could possibly go wrong?!?

@ThatMeannGirl (RIP old account)


@AshezBurnt (RIP old account)

Well, for an unspecified period of time, we have had our left arm and right leg cut off, so to speak. So, the very very slow production of what was to be our book has grinder to a complete stop. Sorry 'bout that.
  • Everywhere
  • IscrittoSeptember 9, 2015


Ultimo messaggio
ThatBlingBurnt ThatBlingBurnt Sep 14, 2015 11:49AM
So, Hi. Jax here. Just an update on the story. There are some complications, naturally, especially with Meann's being banned. Character's have needed to be redesigned, Chapters have had to be scrappe...
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