I should be sleeping considering I have Drivers Ed in the morning at nine.. But, I just can't stop thinking about everything that happened this weekend; first of all, Christina Grimme. Guys she has so much ahead of her but that was harshly ripped away from her by a selfish act. My heart aches for her family as I know how it feels to lose a branch off the family tree as I have lost my sister about four month ago but this isn't about me. Moving on to the Orlando Mass Shooting. As if more has to be added on to my heartbreak. I don't understand why someone would have that much hate, like how much hate can be stored into one human body? My heart just hurts so much you guys, my heart hurts for the world. Just, guys let's spread more love and less hate. As my beautiful Harry would say "All the love" #prayfororlando #prayfortheworld #prayforhumanity I love you guys -Amanda

Yes, I notice the grammar mistakes and no I am not going to change them because this was from my heart. The content does not matter it's the point I am trying to get across