
I just had to repost this awesomeness by @Augurey2000 for some Christmas spirit!!
          	12 gods a ruling
          	11 brain cells dying
          	10 Franks a morphing
          	9 Stolls pranking
          	8 Leos on fire
          	7 Silenas sparkling
          	6 Charlies forging
          	5 silver skull rings
          	4 forgetful Jasons
          	3 Percys swimming
          	2 Pipers piping
          	And Solangelo in a gay tree


I just had to repost this awesomeness by @Augurey2000 for some Christmas spirit!!
          12 gods a ruling
          11 brain cells dying
          10 Franks a morphing
          9 Stolls pranking
          8 Leos on fire
          7 Silenas sparkling
          6 Charlies forging
          5 silver skull rings
          4 forgetful Jasons
          3 Percys swimming
          2 Pipers piping
          And Solangelo in a gay tree


My school is doing the Percy Jackson musical this year. I completely screwed up my solo and got ensemble, and just ensemble, meanwhile there are people that literally have like four parts. How? I’m so frustrated, and Percy Jackson is literally my life, if you couldn’t tell from my profile so this was like a big screw you from the universe. I dunno, it just sucks.


            I got an echo but tried out for Charon and the girl playing Charon is understudy for the oracle and the understudy for Charon has two other roles 
            And my director made a Pan cabin and not a Apollo cabin like Pan doesn’t even have a cabin


@ThatDamPJOFan no I totally get it. We did that one last year. This year we're doing Mean Girls and I messed up and got a character I didn't even know  but I'm just glad I don't have to memorize all those lines


I just started high school today!!! It low-key sucks. I have no friends in three of my classes and it’s so awkward. (For me at least) I don’t know how I’m going to survive the rest of the year. Wish me luck!


@ ThatDamPJOFan  I also start high school in a couple weeks and I am really nervous ahhh
            Good luck for this school year! 


Hey guys! I'm going to Europe!!!!!!! Which also means that I won't be responding to anything for at least two weeks, so if you're wondering why I'm not responding, this is why. Love y'all!!!!!


Had another talk with my parents. Apparently the gays have a secret agenda to separate families and incur a lot of debt. They want to take over the finances. Every. Single. Time. I try to defend or argue with them they bring up another bs point.  I don't know what to do, and I don't know how to deal with them. I want to be able to tell them, "hey I'm struggling with my sexuality without them saying that I've fallen for the gay agenda and stuff like that. I dunno. Have a great rest of y'all's day.


@ThatDamPJOFan You’re welcome girl!! And God bless you and your family❤️❤️❤️


@ThatDamPJOFan You can rant anytime I know sometimes its needed.


@I_love_riding_lids You totally can if you want to. I know I've just said this but it really means so much to me and thank you so much. God bless you.


aint no way you like cassandra clare, wof, and wc too


@louspancakes  I'm just kewl like that. I know a lot more, just didn't want to put them on my bio, try me.


dude you ship solangelo too?!?!?!


Hey guys. I'm about to go and visit a really close family to mine, we might as well be related, and my soulmate level best friend, part of the family, isn't going to be there. She's going to be gone the entire weekend d were there, and I literally never see her, like once or twice a year. I dunno, it just kind of hurts, cause I miss her so badly and I won't even get to see her for several more months. 


@ThatDamPJOFan no worries! And it means a lot to me too:)


Sorry for not responding immediately, I went to sleep. Thank you so much for just being here, it means a lot more than you know. 


I hope u get to see her soon