So uh... hey. Been a REALLY long time since I've been on this platform. Don't really have an excuse, just haven't touched it in a long time. But I figured I'd stop by and at least update BioEthics with the rest of the chapters for the current Arc it's in.
See, BioEthics has 5 arcs.
1. The Introduction Arc. This one acted as the introduction, getting you used to some of the major characters and the initial conflict.
2. The Augment Out of Time Arc. This is the arc I just finished with Chapter 12. This one is the first major conflict of the story where Cy finally starts understanding where he stands on the subject of his augments and the A.R.C. Program as a whole.
3. The Siblings by Circumstance Arc. This one is the second major conflict of the story where Cy starts to develop more and readers are able to learn more about the second main character of the entire story, Hoshino.
4. The Entrance Exam Arc. This is a somewhat minor conflict in the story, not taking too long to cover but still being important to the development of Cy and some of the other main characters.
5. The Hyper Augments Arc. The final major conflict of the first book, a part of the story that is hinted at and talked about in all 4 previous arcs of the story.
Obviously I'm trying to avoid spoilers with these descriptions, so if any of this sounds interesting to you go check out BioEthics. It's 12 chapters done, 6 to 7 finished but not published currently, and another 3 or 4 in the works right now. I'll try to remember to upload them as they finish.
I'll let you all go now, so I hope you're all having a wonderful day. If you aren't having a good day, then I demand that you have a good one. It is decreed by the Council.
Stay Geeky everyone.