
Hello people! I am maybe going to start working on another project, and work on two books at a time, alternating days between the 2. Such as, today I am going to work on the new project, and tomorrow I'll work on Love, Death, and Everything In Between. Love you guys, bye!


Hello people! I am maybe going to start working on another project, and work on two books at a time, alternating days between the 2. Such as, today I am going to work on the new project, and tomorrow I'll work on Love, Death, and Everything In Between. Love you guys, bye!


Hey people! Welcome to my profile page! Thanks for checking it out. I try to write a little bit, but it sometimes happens that I'm either, busy, lazy, or have writers block. But nonetheless, I try to get some content out. I only work on one book at a time to stay less busy , but might to a chapter or two of something random which could escalate into a new book that I would work on later! Thank you guys, buh-bye!