I'm thinking about ending Old Friends very soon, or I'm going to allow my sister to take over and write what she wants on it... To be honest, I forgot where I was going to take it and what was going to happen in it.. I love the story. and I love my readers so bare with me on the updates though and when I choose to updater them.. I'm always busy and have school, but I no longer have soccer practices twice a week, so I have more free time when I'm not working on my studies. I also had a brilliant idea for a new story. However, I won't be uploading the chapters until, maybe... I'm about half way done with it. So basically everytime I'm writing a new chapter for it, I'll upload a chapter before it or something... I'm not sure. I'm still trying to think of things in that one for it to be more action packed. SPEAKING OF MY NEW STORY. Would anyone like to be in it? If so, what would you like your name to be? What would you like to happen with your character, and who would you like to date.. so on so on. This story will hopefully come out better than how Old Friends is. I LOVE YOU GUYS! -Brooke