@xoCandyandGames LMAO omg. :C< that was so mean omg. "hey dipshit, watch out!" made me laugh soo hardd. that poor girl! isn't she a korean actress or something?
and I LOVE IT. it's cute! aww, daisy&lilly forever. :3 i'll work on a cover pic and wont be lazy like for my naruhina one. e.e" andokok.
Heyheyhey! Did you get it? Sorry, my internet connections really slowwww. BTW, I attached something on there lmao. xD i can relate. OH BTW, don't talk to me on msn! I wont be on ok? just send me an e-mail.
toodles. x, C.
D: I told you, you beep. Why are you so confusing?! BTW. Daniel called ;) and no, he didn't ask about you, LOLZ. I'm so mean. XD
But yeah ok, i'll try. Whenever i'm free, i'll send you a msg? Just make sure to get it before a week cuz then i'll be busy again.