
Omg i finally figured out how to post in my profile lol.
          	 After a long night of thought and regret i desided to add more fighting to chapter 2 of Deja Vu 2.No reason to tell yall but just incase you guys want to see since it was diffrent when you guys read it:)


Let’s goooo


First message on here in a while.
          Anyways. I read both deja vu books and i just wanted to say they are amazing and you are a really talented writer. I was wondering if the book series is going to continue. Anyways i hope you are doing well, stay healthy get good sleep. I hope you have a good day/night


Thank you and you make such good books its honestly amazing and you have serious talent. I hope everything is going well for you and i hope your night/  day is good


@idkitsjustanacount thankyou so much for the words!I want for the books to both end rightfully and really do apologise for the late slacking.I am trying to finish them both yes.I hope you have a great day and i cant thank you enough for being patient:)


Omg i finally figured out how to post in my profile lol.
           After a long night of thought and regret i desided to add more fighting to chapter 2 of Deja Vu 2.No reason to tell yall but just incase you guys want to see since it was diffrent when you guys read it:)


Let’s goooo


Hello trippy I just Read Deja Vu, I fancy to tell u that u made such a magnificent and brilliant work! I enjoyed each cap u posted, was a Russian roulette of mixed feelings, friendship, love, self grow, sadness and many more.
          Now I'm keeping my eye to see new updates in deja Vu II, I hope u can reach the highest goal on ur histories that may didn't even imagine, u deserve more recognition, u have my and my friend support on this, we love ur draws and ur way of write, stay the course! 


@Suck_It_Bozos ofc I'll do, shining star! 


@Suck_It_Bozos thank you so much oh god.This makes me so happy.I genuinely would think i am doing something stupid if it wasn't for you and so many more,and would honestly quit.I just hope you will enjoy the sequel just as much and im glad i made you enjoy the previous:))


The first book was awesome, im about to read the sequel 


@walking_lgbtflag if i am going to be honest with you,i compleatly forgot about their ages,but if i will say i see them as 17 maybe 18.I will say that for now but who knows,maybe for some reason i might change them cause something might not add up uk?


@ walking_lgbtflag  i have a quick question, what is their ages in the sequel? If i may ask


@walking_lgbtflag thankyou so much :)i hope you will enjoy the sequel too<3


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Dude, i just want to say that yr quackbur story is fucking amazing. Nice work, but I wish i can read it more cause i will be gone in 2 week 


about that i can't really answer yr question.sorry, i have to go see u in 2 week i hope u have made new chapter tho.Bye:) <3


but if you dont mind me asking why cant you read more:((