
          	Good Morning Heartache is up! I hope you guys enjoy the small intro of this story. Be sure to leave comments and share! 


Hi! My name is Ynaia. I'm trying to promote my book 'Captured' and I wanted to ask if you could check it out for me ☺ I'll follow and comment on anything you have as well. 
          My goal is to raise self-love and self awareness in young girls in women with this book.


Ladies and Gentlemen! 
          It’s been FOREVER! But I just want to thank everyone who continued to read my stories and new ones will be coming through.
          Life has thrown me some curveballs lately and I’m just getting back to what made me who I am. So stick around because I have some great stories coming through! 
          P.S Wash your hands, take vitamins, and drink water! ✨