
Wow- it has been fooooorrrreeeevvvverrrr! Not sure if any of you are still here, but I just wanted to say hi!! :)


@ThatMrsStyles  Hiiii, how have you been? :)


Wow- it has been fooooorrrreeeevvvverrrr! Not sure if any of you are still here, but I just wanted to say hi!! :)


@ThatMrsStyles  Hiiii, how have you been? :)


So- at the moment- all of you are probably wondering where I am and what has happened to me! Well, as all of you know, I started school, and I am currently drowning in homework. I have not forgotten about the book at all! I am still working on the next chapter whenever I get time! Thankfully I do not have much homework tonight, so I get more time to write! Hopefully another chapter will be up in the next few days! 


Hi! I'm another one of your followers, but I was just wondering  if you'll check out the book I'm writing? It's called One Direction Brought Us Back Together. It would mean a lot if you would read it. I've only put up chapters 1 and 2, but I was also wondering if you would let me know what you think. Maybe even recommend if you like it? Read description though, incase you won't like it. Thanks! (P.s, currently reading country girls dream and am on chapter 150. Love it so much!)