
My fellow wattpadians, 
          	I am sorry to say that my time has come to an end. I've been think about this for a while now, almost 5 months. I promise that no one ever bullied me or hurt me, you guys have been amazing, I guess I just feel like it's time to move on. I'm a bit upset that I will never get to finish those wonderful stories I've been reading, and that I will be leaving a place that holds so many memories for me. It's been two, years, I have to feel something. 
          	So I want to say thank you. 
          	Thank you to everyone who's been with me or part of my journey. I loved almost every step of it.
          	Maybe in a few years I'll come back and see what's happened, but for now, this is goodbye. 


@ThatNerdyShipper Bye  I just found your profile, and let me just say, I LOVE it


@ThatNerdyShipper Stay safe and do what makes you happy x


My fellow wattpadians, 
          I am sorry to say that my time has come to an end. I've been think about this for a while now, almost 5 months. I promise that no one ever bullied me or hurt me, you guys have been amazing, I guess I just feel like it's time to move on. I'm a bit upset that I will never get to finish those wonderful stories I've been reading, and that I will be leaving a place that holds so many memories for me. It's been two, years, I have to feel something. 
          So I want to say thank you. 
          Thank you to everyone who's been with me or part of my journey. I loved almost every step of it.
          Maybe in a few years I'll come back and see what's happened, but for now, this is goodbye. 


@ThatNerdyShipper Bye  I just found your profile, and let me just say, I LOVE it


@ThatNerdyShipper Stay safe and do what makes you happy x


What people think when I wear a skirt/dress (usually knee length to ankle length): "Awww, what a pretty girl. She's dressing up so nicely." 
          Me when I wear a skirt/dress: "I am cold, but it is also summer and way to hot to actually wear jeans or sweatpants. I'll wear a skirt to keep my legs warm, but still allow them to breathe."


So I told my little sister that what I was buying for her birthday was bigger than a horse, but smaller than a whale. What I didn't tell her was that it was bigger than a MINIATURE horse but smaller than a MINIATURE whale (both made out of Legos) 
          She's currently struggling to puzzle it out, and unlike me, she hates surprises. I'm a great sister! 


@ThatNerdyShipper This is fair and reasonable. Keep going


Heyyy....I really liked ur one shots.... I was like smiling the whole while for some reason... ummI have a spideychelle fanfic too if u wanna check it out.... its The "Ordinary" Life of Peter Parker.... ya ignore the name I was out of ideas.... :P wud be gr8 if u checked it out
          Also.... Rest In Power Chadwick Boseman.... Wakanda Forever... 


            Hello!! I will totally check your fanfic out! I'm so glad you like my oneshots and thanks so much for the compliment! :)