Happy 21st Birthday Nick!
It's been exactly 3 months since I last updated The Sexysaurus! Today I finally published around 5850 words split into 6 new chapters!
I go back and forth from loving what I write to cringing about it. I don't know much about dinosaurs so the scientific parts that I wrote are complete nonsense, made up off the top of my head, to sound smart. Let's be honest, when geeks talk, who really knows what in the world they're saying, right? It doesn't really matter! Haha. Plus I don't have time to research that shiz. I just needed those general elements to paint the overall picture of the story. It's only wattpad, after all, and I hope people can appreciate the poetry and creativity of the way I write instead of accuracy. The feeling is what matters most to me. For those of you who have been waiting for me to update and still care about what happens next, I hope you enjoy.