
For heck’s sake I will have something on here soon. I’ve got a couple WIPs, and hopefully soon I’ll have some edited stuff to post. I swear I’m not dead, just heckin busy with high school. 


Hey guys! I’m actually not dead - well maybe a little, Junior year is a trip - and I’m going to be posting some writing here soon! Who likes zombies? I’ve got a story I’ve been working on for years that I’m finally actually working on. I’m posting it here as I work, but I may not follow a regular posting schedule. I promise it’ll be better than my cringy old writing on here. 


It’s alive!
          I haven’t been active lately due to crazy amounts of homework, but I want to get back to writing. I’ve actually started a novel, and I’m really planning on finishing this one. I will post the first few chapters here, unedited, because once it’s done, I want to attempt to get it published and maybe make some money that can go in my college funds. Anyway, in the meantime I’m looking for some good zombie apocalypse themed stories and maybe some writing tips from experienced or even published authors? Or just friends to talk to tbh. XD Anyway, that’s it for my little update or whatever.


I really enjoyed the writing style and setting of the story crimson city, and was somewhat disappointed to find the there wasn't much there :P I added it my library and will be patiently but excitedly awaiting future parts. I enjoy your writing style, it reminds me of my own, In a few various ways. 


Aw, thank you! I really appreciate your comment. I only just started it last night, but I’m hoping to update at least daily, so hopefully there will be new content often. I’ll have to check out your profile. ^-^ Thanks again, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.