
After nearly three years of playing the Ikemen Series games, I now know the actual names of each MC. Bit annoying that they have canon names, personalities, appearances, etc, because that makes it so much harder to imagine yourself as MC. But oh well. 
          	Here's each of the MC's names: 
          	Ikemen Sengoku: Mai 
          	Ikemen Revolution: Alice 
          	Ikemen Vampire: Mitsuki 
          	Ikemen Prince: Emma 
          	And so far out of all of them, Alice is the most unqiue because she's not brunette and doesnt have brown eyes. She has blonde hair and blue eyes so good job! Mai and Emma.. I hate to say it, ARE BASIC. (However, Emma is very pretty either way. I love the art style for Ikemen Prince.) Mitsuki confuses me tho? In most of the route pictures I currently have gotten, her hair looks red. But in other lighting, it looks brown? And others keep saying her hair is brown but when I look at it, it looks red and the same goes for her eyes? So Mitsuki confuses me. Even though she and Emma are kinda the only MCs I can tolerate. 
          	Mai, or as I used to call her, Princess is really annoying with how optimistic she is. But at least she tends to realize her mistakes. I also like how snappy she got in Mitsuhide's route and how she just barely tolerated Nobunaga. 
          	And then there's Alice. We dont talk about Alice because of how BASIC SHE IS. SHE'S SO ANNOYINGLY OPTIMISTIC AND NAIVE AND KIND AND I HATE IT. 
          	Sorry for that lil rant. I just hate Mai and Alice and enjoy bullying them. 


After nearly three years of playing the Ikemen Series games, I now know the actual names of each MC. Bit annoying that they have canon names, personalities, appearances, etc, because that makes it so much harder to imagine yourself as MC. But oh well. 
          Here's each of the MC's names: 
          Ikemen Sengoku: Mai 
          Ikemen Revolution: Alice 
          Ikemen Vampire: Mitsuki 
          Ikemen Prince: Emma 
          And so far out of all of them, Alice is the most unqiue because she's not brunette and doesnt have brown eyes. She has blonde hair and blue eyes so good job! Mai and Emma.. I hate to say it, ARE BASIC. (However, Emma is very pretty either way. I love the art style for Ikemen Prince.) Mitsuki confuses me tho? In most of the route pictures I currently have gotten, her hair looks red. But in other lighting, it looks brown? And others keep saying her hair is brown but when I look at it, it looks red and the same goes for her eyes? So Mitsuki confuses me. Even though she and Emma are kinda the only MCs I can tolerate. 
          Mai, or as I used to call her, Princess is really annoying with how optimistic she is. But at least she tends to realize her mistakes. I also like how snappy she got in Mitsuhide's route and how she just barely tolerated Nobunaga. 
          And then there's Alice. We dont talk about Alice because of how BASIC SHE IS. SHE'S SO ANNOYINGLY OPTIMISTIC AND NAIVE AND KIND AND I HATE IT. 
          Sorry for that lil rant. I just hate Mai and Alice and enjoy bullying them. 


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I recently opened up my requests onto tumblr as well (malachiexists13 if you wanna check it out), i basically have been reposting my oneshots to there and any requests I get there will be posted here as well. 
          And I also went out of my way to make designated forms for people to fill out, currently only available on tumblr because wattpad hates links (maybe ill make a linktree dunno). And holy fuck- I've already gotten some requests, and they are all only on the smut form. And some of the things that were requested are pretty intense like- bro. I thought Wattpad was bad but Tumblr is a whole new level. 


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So funfact, my writing obsessed ass recently acquired a 80 sheet pack of parchment paper for an art project at school. And i got the bright idea to write down ALL the letters I currently have across the ikemen games. 
          Yeah, bad idea. Im on day two, hour ive lost track and want to just fucking die. But im dedicated so- I'll let ya'll know when I'm done. Maybe I'll post pictures to the books so you can see my shitty ass cursive. 


How to tell whether I wrote something on my phone or my computer: 
          Does it have god knows how many spelling mistakes but doesn't make much sense? I wrote it on my phone. 
          Does it have barely any spelling mistakes and makes a lil more sense? I wrote it on my computer. 
          The only things my phone and computer writings have in common is that they always make have some kind of insanity behind them. If I ever get arrested for murder or something, rest assured I will use all my writings and artwork to claim insanity. 


Alright so- apparently its canon that Sirius is daddy. Like- the devs have referred to him as daddy in dev notes TWICE now, specifically daddy no.1. Like- not that im disagreeing lol. And apparently Comte is daddy no.2 and so I guess that makes Jin daddy no.3? 
          Im so tired omg-


New update on Sebastian's route! 
          It is officially being released on June 1st (possibly the end of May depending on your timezone-) I am SO excited!! I promise I will finish the route im on rn and THEN play Sebastian's. And then no more distractions! I WILL do Leonardo's route (unless Faust or Vlad get a route next then I may have to break my promise again-) 


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Vincent's gonna be the death of me holy shit. 
          I'm working on adding all the summaries, letters, and side stories to the character pages on my ikemen vamp book and oh my fucking god. Vincent's letters are so LONG. WHY DOES HE WRITE SO DAMN MUCH??? It also doesn't help that Wattpad fucking erased all my progress at one point so I had to rewrite everything lol haha send help.


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          For ya'll who may not know, despite wearing glasses myself, I lose my mind at guys with glasses. Like, they just hit different??? Well- it depends on if I was attracted to them before, but still- 
          I deadass had to take a step back when I saw Mozart with glasses just- AHHHHHH. 
          God Im really simping over a fictional character based off a real historical figure, I cant. He's probably so disappointed in me. 
          (Actually, he probably was when my best friend and I called him a dick, an asshole, and kinky all in one conversation-) 


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          So- The next character to get a route in Ikemen Series has been announced! And im very excited- Not gonna lie, if his route is released by the time I finish Comte's, I might just continue putting off Leonardo's route  
          Oh shit- Guess I gave away which game it is, huh? Yep. That's right. Another route coming to Ikemen Vampire! Meaning currently only three characters left in that game routeless (unless ive forgotten someone?) 
          The character who is getting a route is none other than.... Akihiko Satou! Or for the weirdos who did not memorize his real name when it was told to us in the prologue, Sebastian. The wonderful stoic? butler. God I am so excited... 
          One of my favorite characters from a different game called Obey Me, Barbatos, is VERY similar to Sebastian. Like.. Its almost unsettling. At least to me. And since I absolutely love and adore Barbatos, I cant wait for Sebastian's route. Also he's the only human besides MC?? So like?? Hows that gonna play out in a game about dating historical figures turned vampire? Very intrigued rn.