
I’ve looked back on my writing from last year and I can’t even believe I wrote that because I can’t even string a sentence together anymore… have any of you had a similar experience, and if so how did you get back into the groove of writing?


I’ve looked back on my writing from last year and I can’t even believe I wrote that because I can’t even string a sentence together anymore… have any of you had a similar experience, and if so how did you get back into the groove of writing?


  “Feelings aren’t right or wrong, they just are,” I hear the young woman say into phone as she walks past me.
              I can’t help but scoff, you have no idea about feelings, lady. Feelings suck if we’re being quite honest here. I’m not talking about the feeling you get when you hold your hand on the stove for too long, I’m talking the nitty gritty feelings that eat you up inside. To list a few we got the feeling of unrelenting guilt, the sinking feeling you get deep down in your bones when you hear bad news, or maybe the feeling of anxiety you get when you can’t seem to get your mind to stop spiraling. 
            The feeling I’m most envious of is numbness, just complete and utter numbness that allows no good or bad feelings.
            Unfortunately I’ve never felt numbness myself, I’ve only ever felt it from someone else. 
            Yes, you did read that right. 
            Hi, my name is Seraphina, an otherwise average 17 year old girl except for the fact that I’m somehow a supernatural empath. 
            So yeah, maybe numbness sounds awful to you, but it’d at least give me a break from the endless feelings I have to endure with every person I come in contact with. 
          A new story idea let me know what you think!


Hello my lovelies! This is just an appreciation update to thank you for reading my story. I know it's a bit rough with it being my first real story, but if you've chosen to keep reading it means the world to me. I never thought I'd get a single read let alone almost 200. You're all the best and my messages are always open if you want to talk about anything (my story, your current problems, or just want to vent). I'd love to hear from you.❤