
Lol I quit again goodbye everyone see ya in another lifeeee


I’m Quitting! (For a while)
          Hello! I’m deciding I’m going to just stop publishing stories for a while. And just stop interacting with everyone. I need to focus more on family, but if you want to still see me, you can go follow my tik tok cuz I’ll be posting on there atleast twice or once a week. tik tok: @that._cringy.trans and @r.rand0m._c0llab I also have Twitter! I’m not really active on Twitter but if you want to see some pictures and stuff it’s : Sebasti0n_Drawz !
          Well Goodbye now!


this message may be offensive
⚠️this is a vent. Just, Know that.⚠️
          Erm.. sorry about never being online! I might think about quitting and just stop talking to everyone but I haven’t decided. School has just been stressful.. and I’ll just say this, when you have 6 classes to go to it’s hard to stay online. And with all the traumatic things that have happened. For instance I vented to a friend at school and she told everyone. And now I get yelled at “ Hey stick! What, gonna say that your not skinny and your fat?? YOUR SO STUPID. “ and another thing is THE SCHOOL TOLD ME TO SHOW THEM MY WRISTS. WHEN I DID NOTHING.. THEY JUST CAME UP TO ME WHEN I WAS DRAWING AND SAID “ oh yeah uhh sweetie this is a protocol for you sense we know your history.. SHOW US YOUR WRISTS NOW. “ ITS JUST SO FUN KNOWING EVERYONE HATES YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!! AND WHEN YOU GET SEBT NUD3S FROM A STRANGER?! IM DONE. IM FUCKING DONE. I DONT WANT TO BE HERE. I’m suicidal for just saying ( WHEN WE ARE ON THE 1st FLOOR/GROUND FLOOR ) I wonder what would happen if I jumped out the window. OHAHAHAH DONT FORGET I WAS RAP3D BY SOMEONE WHO WAS OLDER AND KNEW WHAT THE FUCK THEY WERE DOING. I WANNA DIE I WANNA DIE I WANNA DIE I WANNA JUST CUT MYSELF AND DIE THIS WORLD HATES ME AND I HATE MYSELF I WANNA DIE!! PLEASE JUST LET ME DIE.. why won’t anyone let me die if they hate me so much.
          I’m sorry, if anyone needs to vent or let out anything my DM’s are open! And I promise I won’t make it about me ever when you vent! So I’ll take you doing that as you forgive me for venting so much.


            Oh my god! I’m so sorry! Please hang in there, I’m sure things will get better soon, I promise, hang in there, please.