
Hey ya'll, I'm FINALLY back on officially. I do need some gay danganronpa 2 plot ideas, so if any of ya'll have any suggestions hit me up!


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DONT READ PART 3 Deku woke up in a dark room, he could tell that it was the hospital. He had to blink a couple of times to fully get his vision back but when he felt the comfort of the familiar hospital bed he smirked. “Time for some fun-“ luckily izuku could move without much pain. Izuku rolled over and started to caress the side of the bed- “thank you daddy~” Izuku whispered. Izuku pulled off his hospital gown and the blankets from the bed. Izuku laid down facing the bed, he started licking the plastic frame passionately~ izuku started rubbing his cock on the soft bed “d-daddy” izuku moaned~ “m-more d-daddy~” izukus eyes rolled back as white liquid splattered all over the sheets- an idea then popped into izukus head, he sat up and grabbed the hospital beds remote- he started to lick it, after that he slowly pushed it in. Izuku moaned furiously he slowly pulled it out and started to hump the pillows- “IZUKU WHAT THE FUCK-“ Allmight said in shock.

@ThatOne_Kidd this is the best and worst thing I've ever read oh my god lmao like I cant stop laughing but I also need to bleach my eyes

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DONT READ DIFFERENT STORY “Bakugo can you come to my office after school?” Best jeanist asked with a smirk. Bakugo nodded. After the long day bakugo walked up the stairs to get to best jeanists office. He knocked on the door waiting for a response. “Come in~” best jeanist said. Bakugo opened the door and closed it behind him knowing what would come next he pulled off his shirt and threw it down on the floor. Bakugo went over to the chair where his senpai sat and started to unzip his weird jean jacket shit lollol. Bakugo leaned onto best jeanest and started decorating his neck with small bruises- best jeanist wrapped his arms around bakugos back pulling him closer and pressed his lips to bakugos. Bakugo moved his head up and smirked at the man, he then kissed him exploring every inch of his mouth. Best jeanist pulled away to catch a breath. Bakugo started to slide best jeanists pants and boxers off along with his own~ bakugo loomed over best jeanist and looked into his lovely eyes- “whats wrong daddy~” best jeanist questioned bakugo. Bakugo didnt reply but instead he licked the tip of jeanists member. “D-da-ady~” he moaned. Bakugo smirked.

DONT READ!!! Endevor sat down next to his son. He started tracing around shotos scar staring into space. Shoto looked into his dads fire toned eyes passionately~ “Shoto-“ endeavor said. “Shoto I-i l-ove you.” Shotos fire side lit up and both of their flames touched. Shoto moved closer to his father gazing into his eyes. “I love you too dad~” shoto confessed. Endeavor placed his lips on shotos for a quick second~ then pushed shoto onto the bed. “Daddy~” shoto cried. Endeavor pulled his sons shirt off and started marking his neck with small hickies. Shoto wrapped his arm around his fathers neck and pulled him onto himself. Shoto kissed his father, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths. Endeavor pulled away to get a breath of air. Shoto pulled his fathers shirt off as his father pulled down shotos shorts revealing his boxers. Shoto blushed. Endeavor started to kiss shotos neck as he slowly sliped shotos boxers off. Endeavor started to rub the tip of shotos member while shoto started to moan passionately~