Hey, sorry I'm interupting you again i just wanted to ask you about 3rd, 4th and 5th season of Dinosaur Train...cuz here in Slovakia we have only first two seasons and you know, i just wanna knew something about Mrs. Conductor. She is the best. So if you don't wanna spoiler those season for anyone we can share Instagram of Facebooks and maybe talk about it ??... (and again sosososo sorry for my english)

@ThatOtakuInClass it's okay i was just asking...i'll be very happy if we can sometimes talk about Dinosaur Train and those things thanks a lot

@MaylaWhitedragon Not to mention i don't spend that much time on facebook or messenger. Sorry.

@MaylaWhitedragon To be honest i haven't seen much of season 5 yet, they only aired the first 4 episodes of season 5 here in North America, i don't mind talking about Mrs. Conductor or something, i'll try my best to remember it, but i don't have instagram, & my parents don't allow me to add people on Facebook unless i know them well-ish, sorry. I'll see if i can try to create an intagram account, &U i'll send a link when i'm done (If i decide to create an account) sorry.

I love your work i reed it like million times....im a big fan of dinisaur train and Mrs. Conductor...ohh i loooove her she is amazing...i also reed a Secret on the rails on fanfiction net...i love that one so much keep writing you doing it great.....(sorry for my english)

@MaylaWhitedragon I'm currently writing a one shot fanfic to make up for the lack of a new chapter for Secrets on the Rails, i'll write one shots until i get out of the Writer's block i'm having. :T sorry in advance.

@MaylaWhitedragon Thank you, that means a lot to me, really. I'm trying to write the next chapter for Secrets on the Rails.