
New chapter for 'A New Generation of Chaos' coming soon! Either later tonight or in the next few days!


Alright, hopefully this writer's block is starting to slowly go away. I've not been in a good creative mindspace lately but I'm slowly working on the next chapter of 'A New Generation of Chaos' and I'm hoping to get it finished in a few weeks(depending on how busy things get with my personal life).


Alright, folks, I'm gonna go ahead and apologize for not updating anything in a while. I've had MAJOR writer's block and have had SO much to do that I've not been able to actually sit down to try and work through things. I've at least managed to get some art done, so please be patient while I try to get through things.


So, I'm currently sick with covid, and my head hurts waaayyyy too much to work on anything.....that being said, I'm scheduling some stuff to be posted over the next few days. It's a fic I worked on before so it already has four finished chapters, I'll get back to that one eventually....I haven't even updated it on AO3 yet due to lack of motivation and stress caused by writer's block.


I’m going to be moving some of my other fics from AO3 to here over the next few days, so there may be a bit of an increase in posts from me for a while.
          However, I’m also trying to work on some original works, so I’m going to be bouncing between projects for a while.


New fanfic will be posted once I can decide on a title, I may just give it the same title as the old version of it from years ago.
          The timeline this fanfic takes place in has changed a bit over the years, but it’s stayed the same in one aspect: it focuses on a new generation of Crash Bandicoot characters who are just trying to live somewhat normal lives through whatever chaos gets thrown at them.