Spam You Again I Will. It's Been Awhile Since We Have Talked. How Are You Niichan? :D
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@ThexXSinisterxWriter Just admit defeat! We all know you don't have a twin *crosses leg on an expensive chair while petting L in my lap* Uh, angry kids are very ... creative XD
Spam You Again I Will. It's Been Awhile Since We Have Talked. How Are You Niichan? :D
Spamming time! :D From yours truly. My cat are shall rule the world. Do you hear me? I Said The Whole Entire W O R L D!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my cat army will make the dogs their slaves. Mwhahaha!!!! I miss chu niichan.
Ay yo, long time no see, eh? HAPPY B-DAY YOU CONCEITED BASTARD :* XD :P
Haha. I. Know! Just. Wanted. To. See. Your. Response. XD Mwhaha. It's. Not. My. Fault. They. Multiple. On. Their. Own!!! o.o They. Are!! Except. For. My. Mister. ^^ He. Loves. To. Cuddle. And. Belly. Rubs. Cx Wait! Did. You. Just. Say. That. You're. Like. A. Cat?! O.o Haha. Just. Kidding. XD I'd. Do. The. Same. If. I. Got. Chocolate. :3 No. Why. Would. I? I'm. Not. Like. Those. Girls. When. Joking. With. My. Little. Brother. We. Call. Each. Other. Dave. So. Yes. You. Can. Call. Me. Dude. If. You. Want. :) (Now. You. Tell. Me. That! >.< Wish. I. Knew. That. Before. I. Became. Addicted. To. It. Hey! Only. I. Can. Say. Le. Gasp! Haha. Did. They? ^O^) They. Are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweetart. I. Think. I. Am. Giving. You. Nicknames. Of. Food. Which. Makes. Me. A. Fattie. Haha. XD
I Kind of. Figured. That. I'd. Do. That. XD I. Always. End. Up. Devolving. Haha. Cx Not. Even. Sure. What. That. Word. Means. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Oooooooooooooh! I. Know. Who! My. Nice. Twin. Dog! XD She's. The. New. Cortana. ^^ Oddly. Enough. Yes. That. Seems. Completely. Right. To. Me. All. The. Way!! I'm. Used. To. My. Cats. Only. Loving. Me. When. I. Feed. Them!!!!! You. Are. My. Jelly. Bean! ^-^ (Yes! Yes! It. Does! I. Love. It. Too. Much. To. Quit! :D) You're. As. Awesome. As. A. Cocoa. Puff!
Yesssssssssss. I. Ammmmmmm. Evolvinggggggggg. Notttt. Sureeeeee. Whatttttt. Makesssss. Meeeeeee. Sayyyyyyyy. Thatttttt. Yes. I. Really. Do! ^-^ Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmm. *Strokes. Imaginary. Beard*. Cx I. Shall. Give. You. A. Nickname! But. I. Cannot. Think. Of. One. That. Matches. Your. Awesome--I Got it! :D You're. Master. Chief. ^^ Dogs. Are. Loyal. But. They. Cannot. Trick. You. Mine. Always. Ran. Into. Doors. And. Failed. At. Outsmarting. My. Cats. Cats. Shall. Rule. The. World!!!!!!!!!!!! It's. What. I. Do. For. You. Jelly. Bean. Cx (What. Will. You. Do. If. I. Say. Neeeeeeevvvvveeeeerrr! I. Might. Be. Hyper. Off. Of. Caffiene. At. The. Moment. Yes, You Do Make Me Laugh. c: That's. What. Makes. You Extra. Special. To. Me.
I. Should. Take Spam. Lessons From. You. XD. Yes. I. Did. Copy. You. Cx. Oh. That's. So. Sweet. Of. You. ^-^. You're. The. First. To. Call. Me. That. ^^. Yes. They. Are. I'm. Just. Not. Used. To. Being. Called. Snowflake. Or. Any. Other. Adorable. Nicknames. You. Give. Me. ^-^ It's. Not. Mumbo. Jumbo. It's. The. Truth! :D Awe. Thank. Chu. =') I'm. Happy. That. Your. Awesomeness. And. You. Are. Back. (It's The Truth!!!! You Are So Freaking Awesome. Too Awesome For Me!!!!!! I Sometimes Have To Bow Down To Your Awesomeness There's That & You Make Me Laugh. <(^-^)> :3
I T ' S O K A Y W E A L L G O T O U R O W N L I V E S . :) I S T H A T M Y N E W N I C K N A M E N O W ? X D T H E T R U T H W I L L N E V E R B E A B L A S P H E M Y !!!!!! Y O U K N O W T H A T T H E C A T W I L L W I N! Cx Y E S , I M I S S E D Y O U R A W E S O M N E S S ! ! ! ! L E G A S P ! T H A T ' S S O T R U E ! I F O R G O T T O T E L L Y O U T H A T Y O U W E R E & A R E S T I L L A W E S O M E!! E S P E C A I L L Y T O M E. ^-^
Hey! :D J U S T W A N T E D T O B E N I C E A N D S P A M Y O U S I N C E I ' M S U C H A G O O D F R I E N D T O Y O U . X D C A T S R U L E & D O G S D O N ' T . A L S O W A N T E D T O S A Y T H A T I M I S S Y O U R A W E S O M E N E S S . : )
I'm just going to say that... How've you been? :) Long time no talk.
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