this message may be
@damnyree okay so first of all, you have no write to DEMAND I stop anything unless I'm fucking robbing you or doing something else illegal to you. Second of all, your right my books are shit and you have a right to your opinion NOT your demand, I decide if I stop writing simply for the fact that I am my own person and writing makes me happy, shitty books or not, bigots like you or not. Third of all, imagine if I walked in YOUR HOUSE and told you your baby, or dog, or cat, or really anything you love that brings you joy, is ugly as hell and should be put down? Hurts pretty bad right? Well that's essentially what you just did, because this page? MY HOUSE. With my rules and honestly who goes through the trouble of posting something like this, my life has no leverage on yours, we don't even know each other, you just wasted 2 minutes of your life to type this.