Hey guys, I know I've been kind of quiet for the past month but I have been super busy with one of the most important exams in my life to prepare for. Plus I have also been helping out my friend with her story which is finally finished being edited. She's going to be posting the remaining chapters over the next few weeks so look out for that to help support her. But don't worry, I have also been writing the last three chapters of Season One: Anti-bug Kung-Food Volpina I'm really looking forward to Volpina and I can ensure you guys it will be a favourite. One last thing is that I have been getting suggestions for Season Two, like a stalker for Dalia, a development in her parents' disappearance, Adrien getting closer to admitting his feelings for Dalia and a better explanation of Felix's relationship with Dalia. It will all come but I would like to know if the stalker should be a boy or girl. Let me know please! Have awesome days guys!
A boy I believe because Adrien’s stalker is Marinette and Dalia’s stalker will be boy of course