Dear followers,
OK. So. it's been over 2 years, and I feel I should explain my whereabouts for this time as I feel you deserve one. If anyone out there still watches this or me actively that is. So not long after my previous post in about April 2020 in the midst of the pandemic my cat, Bert, who was my closest friend and companion sadly passed away. I won't go into details, but it was sudden and deeply affected me. It took me about a year to recover from that loss but I have since been able to move on with my life, albeit with a hole in my heart. Another reason for my lengthy disappearance has been school which came back in full force post-lockdown and I haven't found the time to come on here and work on my projects. I hope to be able to return now that this has all subsided but I won't be making updates every day as I once did so there will most likely be gaps between updates to things such as Handplates.
Yours sincerely,