I am not okay. I have a boyfriend and he is important to the story.
It is Friday. For the past couple of weeks he has been ignoring me. Out side of a work setting that is. For the sake of the story I will call him BS for Blonde Superman. Anyways I found out that day that my grandma is dying. In my hometown seven hours away from where I was. So my family and I drive down to visit, she talked about having a large glass of water and watermelon. She could have neither. So we visit her in the ICU for probably the last time. I have no clue still. And on Sunday we start to go home. Around two hours from our house we are driving down the highway and we were just stuck in construction on the road. Well the company who fixes the roads have left a traffic cone in the middle of a lane. And us being the small car who couldn’t see it or the reflectors hit it. It breaks the car. We are stuck in a random town. We manage to get our stuff, get the car towed (brand new car also) and walk to a hotel across the street. We stay the night and have to manage to find a rental to get home. It is now three PM we had just got home. And BS texts me. My guy best friend who ima call Sweets also texts me. BS talks for barely two minutes and Sweets for about half an hour. Sweets knew something was wrong and he actually tried to help. BS didn’t. And it hurts knowing someone who you really care about seemingly doesn’t care back. It seems like BS is doing stuff for show. It doesn’t feel genuine anymore. Yes I know he is busy but he tells me he isn’t. And even if he is lying to me he stays up really late and the very least he could do is tell me goodnight or something simple or pretend to care! I know I sound like a whiny brat but if I don’t to you, you don’t think I’m spoiled or something, and you read to the end. Thank you. For listening to my rant. And I apologize if I seem off.
Peace. I’ll try to update.