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@That_Innocent_Person fuck the popular kids! They are the ones, who will have to struggle once they are confronted with the real life after school. Whenever they make you feel bad, just imagine them, in bad jobs, sitting at home without job or money, living on the street, all alone, because they never had to take an effort for anything. That should make you feel better. I know, it's hard, to be the outsider, but it makes you strong for your life and I wouldn't change it now. Though I also would have given everything to be one of them back then, but yeah, I never was. Many of them are now, at 40, single, no kids, still clinging on to what they were and trying to get their lost youth back..... and I laugh so hard, each time I meet one of them, because they don't recognize me, as time turned the tables and now I look a LOT better than most of those who made fun of me in school!!!! So keep your head up, times will change!!!