
Aight boys, this account is being laid to rest finally. it has been a long journey. i found wattpad in sixth grade so i could read warriors and wings of fire. i became a septiplier fangirl and an undertale whore. but thats in the past. im going to be 17 in a month. A MONTH. so much has changed and i appreciate that wattpad had carried me through a dark point in my life. but i dont need it anymore. i have taken a so many steps into the right direction. i am now on anti depressants, i am now starting my art career, i finally can eat fruits and vegetables without having a panic attack, and uh, i kinda figured out that im not a girl, nor a boy. im just a nothing, but honestly, when was i ever a something.  so anyways, wattpad comforted me through such a crucial point in my life, but i dont need it anymore. everything will stay up. i will make a new profile photo and write a new bio, but thats it. thank you for your time. ill see yall someday, people always end up meeting again.


Aight boys, this account is being laid to rest finally. it has been a long journey. i found wattpad in sixth grade so i could read warriors and wings of fire. i became a septiplier fangirl and an undertale whore. but thats in the past. im going to be 17 in a month. A MONTH. so much has changed and i appreciate that wattpad had carried me through a dark point in my life. but i dont need it anymore. i have taken a so many steps into the right direction. i am now on anti depressants, i am now starting my art career, i finally can eat fruits and vegetables without having a panic attack, and uh, i kinda figured out that im not a girl, nor a boy. im just a nothing, but honestly, when was i ever a something.  so anyways, wattpad comforted me through such a crucial point in my life, but i dont need it anymore. everything will stay up. i will make a new profile photo and write a new bio, but thats it. thank you for your time. ill see yall someday, people always end up meeting again.


A little tip for new people starting wattpad. If you create books here, make sure they're art books or shipping books based off of certain fandoms. If you try anything original, they won't care unless you're popular. That's what I learned at least.


@That_One_Edgy_Bitch because wattpad is kind of a fandom wasteland right now? yeah. I did publish my original on here, but it's just an archive for if anyone wants a link to it while it's in editing process. I'm not really expecting many reads off it at all.


@That_One_Edgy_Bitch I guess. But that's life. If you aren't noticed nobody notices you.


I lost a good friend on here. I wonder how she's doing. I don't know if she's okay. Its kinda my fault for not talking to her in a while though I guess. Its just kind of sucky, I looked forward to talking to them and just seeing them comment. It made me happy.


I need new friends here. Your bitch is lonely.


@That_One_Edgy_Bitch *confetti goes off in the lonely friendless corner*