Aight boys, this account is being laid to rest finally. it has been a long journey. i found wattpad in sixth grade so i could read warriors and wings of fire. i became a septiplier fangirl and an undertale whore. but thats in the past. im going to be 17 in a month. A MONTH. so much has changed and i appreciate that wattpad had carried me through a dark point in my life. but i dont need it anymore. i have taken a so many steps into the right direction. i am now on anti depressants, i am now starting my art career, i finally can eat fruits and vegetables without having a panic attack, and uh, i kinda figured out that im not a girl, nor a boy. im just a nothing, but honestly, when was i ever a something. so anyways, wattpad comforted me through such a crucial point in my life, but i dont need it anymore. everything will stay up. i will make a new profile photo and write a new bio, but thats it. thank you for your time. ill see yall someday, people always end up meeting again.