
Guess who’s birthday is today 


@That_One_Lego_Simp omg happy birthday qing


Ily all and I’m sorry about the updates, I’m in Florida right now, so when I get backkkkk.. get ready bc I got some hella amazing drafts ;)


Guess who’s birthday is today 


@That_One_Lego_Simp omg happy birthday qing


Ily all and I’m sorry about the updates, I’m in Florida right now, so when I get backkkkk.. get ready bc I got some hella amazing drafts ;)


I haven’t touched Wattpad in one month kms T_T
          So much for new year new me LOL
          Dw it’s summer now sooooo
          Anyone else randomly rewatching miraculous and officially obsessed again!!


@Sirenz774 I did. I was scared for my life.


@That_One_Lego_Simp help that's real ASF my little brother was always watching that and then I got hooked pa did anyone else cringe during the last season when Gabriel starts dancing on the steps?


@That_One_Lego_Simp I did the same thing during season 5.  ;-;


Genuine question for y’all because im bored
          How did you come across my books?
          I’ve just been curious for a while now hehe


@That_One_Lego_Simp … You don’t wanna know.


@That_One_Lego_Simp  i just wanted to know peoples head cannons for ninjago


Won’t be updating this week, came down with a bad fever and I’m feeling horrible sorry guys.. 
          :( good thing last week I posted double update on IHTILY so there’s more for you to catch up on!! Hope you all are doing welllll!! See you next week guys!!


@That_One_Lego_Simp hope you get better soon!!


this message may be offensive
Update schedule- About 1-2 times a week, sometimes more
          What’s up guys!! So u have been very I mean very inactive on this app, and I apologize! Fiat let me start by saying happy holidays! I know I’m late, and I missed a lot!! But still, it’s 2024 and new year new me! I’m sick of making you all wait for updates just because I have a busy life, I mean we all do!! So this year, I’ve read all your comments and I need to let it out that I am very sorry about last year, I was extremely demotivated and I really just needed to get back on my feet and I got very busy to the bone. But believe me when I say, writers block is over, I’m back with better ideas, more improved!! I can’t believe it’s been a year since I started Wattpad and yes im still- like man I’m not proud of my updating last year, but starting this week, we’re getting down to business!! So in a sadder note I will be ending  texting and headcannons very soon, yes I know!! I’m upset as well but for a new story to begin we must close the old one!! So I will be finishing those, but they will always be dear to my heart, and I will miss those as they stuck with me through so much. I’d like to state that 2024? It’s a new me, I’m getting down on this, ninjago for fucking ever!! I missed you guys a lot, I feel very guilty for not sticking to my promises numerous times but I’m back on my grip, at least I’m doing my best. And expect so many more stories coming, I guess you could call last year, the start, now we’re in the interlude and bitch, the party hast even started yet, you guys are gonna see the things that have been in my drafts for a long time and I want to thank all of you who have stuck with me and joined me through this year, I don’t like the word love, it just doesn’t fit everything I feel for all of you!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! See every one of you very soon! NINJA NEVER QUIT!!


@That_One_Lego_Simp YAYYYY!! You're back!! I'm so excited for this new year kween!! ❤️