Water is wet and grass is green but nothing else compares to how much I want you all to be safe, wear a mask if there’s too many people outside or don’t go in general. Use soap often and remember if there’s not a whole bunch of people outside standing out like it’s Black Friday and if you have been practicing social distancing you can take off the mask and breathe otherwise if there’s tons of people outside and none of them can’t keep some amount of distance then put that mask back on, it may be annoying not to breathe for a while but it’s worth it to not get anyone sick. Remember to stretch daily in the house so you don’t gain weight and wear a mask if you go jogging out, we can all get through this but America had to pull an American move on us, oh how I hate my own country damn you America I could have been out cracking jokes with my cool friends!
just be careful outside please :(